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Level: Intermediate
Recommended Use: Clustering/Regression/Classification Models
Domain: Business/Finance

Dow Jones Index Data Set

Predict which stock will provide greatest rate of return

This intermediate level data set has 750 rows and 16 columns. This dataset contains weekly data for the Dow Jones Industrial Index. It has been used in computational investing research. In this dataset, each record (row) is data for a week. Each record also has the percentage of return that stock has in the following week (percent_change_next_weeks_price). Ideally, this could be used to determine which stock will produce the greatest rate of return in the following week.

This data set is recommended for learning and practicing your skills in exploratory data analysis, data visualization, clustering and regression/classification modelling techniques. Feel free to explore the data set with multiple supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. The Following data dictionary gives more details on this data set:

Data Dictionary

Column Position Atrribute Name Definition Data Type Example % Null Ratios
1 quarter Quarter: the yearly quarter (1: Jan-Mar; 2: Apr-Jun). Quantitative 1, 2 0
2 stock Stock: the stock symbol* Qualitative INTC, INTC, BA 0
3 date Date: the last business day of the work (this is typically a Friday) Quantitative 40564, 40683, 40620 0
4 open Open: the price of the stock at the beginning of the week Quantitative $21.03, $23.32, $71.17 0
5 high High: the highest price of the stock during the week Quantitative $21.2, $23.96, $71.23 0
6 low Low: the lowest price of the stock during the week Quantitative $20.62, $23.08, $67.34 0
7 close Close: the price of the stock at the end of the week Quantitative $20.82, $23.22, $69.1 0
8 volume Volume: the number of shares of stock that traded hands in the week Quantitative 218479469, 387571150, 29746370 0
9 percent_change_price Percent_Change_Price: the percentage change in price throughout the week Quantitative -0.998573, -0.428816, -2.90853 0
10 percent_change_volume_over_last_wk Percent_Change_Volume_Over_Last_Week: the percentage change in the number of shares of stock that traded hands for this week compared to the previous week Quantitative -20.29526016, 12.41924755, 16.3954667 4
11 previous_weeks_volume Previous_Weeks_Volume: the number of shares of stock that traded hands in the previous week Quantitative 274111012, 344755154, 25556296 4
12 next_weeks_open Next_Weeks_Open: the opening price of the stock in the following week Quantitative $21.03, $22.92, $70.29 0
13 next_weeks_close Next_Weeks_Close: the closing price of the stock in the following week Quantitative $21.46, $22.21, $73.34 0
14 percent_change_next_weeks_price Percent_Change_Next_Weeks_Price: the percentage change in price of the stock in the Quantitative 2.0447, -3.09773, 4.33917 0
15 days_to_next_dividend Following Week Days_to_next_dividend: the number of days until the next dividend Quantitative 13, 75, 54 0
16 percent_return_next_dividend Percent_Return_Next_Dividend: the percentage of return on the next dividend Quantitative 0.864553, 0.904393, 0.607815 0

*Stock Symbols:
American Express AXP
Alcoa AA
Bank of America BAC
Boeing BA
Caterpillar CAT
Chevron CVX
Cisco Systems CSCO
Coca-Cola KO
DuPont DD
ExxonMobil XOM
General Electric GE
Hewlett-Packard HPQ
The Home Depot HD
Intel INTC
Johnson & Johnson JNJ
JPMorgan Chase JPM
Kraft KRFT
McDonald's MCD
Merck MRK
Microsoft MSFT
Pfizer PFE
Procter & Gamble PG
Travelers TRV
United Technologies UTX
Verizon VZ
Wal-Mart WMT
Walt Disney DIS


This data set has been sourced from the Machine Learning Repository of University of California, Irvine Dow Jones Index Data Set (UC Irvine). The UCI page mentions the following publication as the original source of the data set:

Brown, M. S., Pelosi, M. & Dirska, H. (2013). Dynamic-radius Species-conserving Genetic Algorithm for the Financial Forecasting of Dow Jones Index Stocks. Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 7988, 27-41