Commit 2c5d72d8 by Rebecca Merrett


parent 840ff712
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot
import statsmodels as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
from import plot_acf, plot_pacf
from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA
import statistics
# Read csv file of our train dataset as a univariate
# (single variable) series, with datetime (column 0)
# as the row index
hourly_sentiment_series = pd.read_csv('hourly_users_sentiment_subset.csv',
# Check data is indexed as DatetimeIndex
# Preview the data to get an idea of the values and sample size
# Plot the data to check if stationary (constant mean and variance),
# as many time series models require the data to be stationary
# Difference the data to make it more stationary
# and plot to check if the data looks more stationary
# Differencing subtracts the next value by the current value
# Best not to over-difference the data,
# as this could lead to inaccurate estimates
# Make sure to leave no missing values, as this could cause
# problems when modeling later
hourly_sentiment_series_diff1 = hourly_sentiment_series.diff().fillna(hourly_sentiment_series)
hourly_sentiment_series_diff2 = hourly_sentiment_series_diff1.diff().fillna(hourly_sentiment_series_diff1)
# Check ACF and PACF plots to determine number of AR terms and
# MA terms in ARMA model, or to spot seasonality/periodic trend
# Autoregressive forecast the next timestamp's value by
# regressing the previous values
# Moving Average forecast the next timestamp's value by
# averaging the previous values
# Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average is useful
# for non-stationary data, plus has an additional seasonal
# differencing parameter for seasonal non-stationary data
# ACF and PACF plots include 95% Confidence Interval bands
# Anything outside of the CI shaded bands is a
# statistically significant correlation
# If we see a significant spike at lag x in the ACF
# that helps determine the number of MA terms
# If we see a significant spike at lag x in the PACF
# that helps us determine the number of AR terms
# Depending on ACF and PACF, create ARMA/ARIMA model
# with AR and MA terms
# This will infer the frequency, so make sure there are
# no gaps between datetimes
ARMA1model_hourly_sentiment = ARIMA(hourly_sentiment_series, order=(5,2,1)).fit(transparams=False)
# If the p-value for a AR/MA coef is > 0.05, it's not significant
# enough to keep in the model
# Might want to re-model using only significant terms
# Predict the next 5 hours (5 time steps ahead),
# which is the test/holdout set
ARMA1predict_5hourly_sentiment = ARMA1model_hourly_sentiment.predict('2/6/2019 7:00:00 PM','2/6/2019 11:00:00 PM', typ='levels')
print('Forecast/preditions for 5 hours ahead ', ARMA1predict_5hourly_sentiment)
# Back transform so we can compare de-diff'd predicted values
# with the de-diff'd/original actual values
# This is automatically done when predicting (specify typ='levels'),
# so no need to manually de-diff
# Nevertheless, let's demo how we de-transform 2 rounds of diffs
# using cumulative sum with original data given
#diff2 back to diff1
undiff1 = hourly_sentiment_series_diff2.cumsum().fillna(hourly_sentiment_series_diff2)
#undiff1 back to original data
undiff2 = undiff1.cumsum().fillna(undiff1)
print(all(round(hourly_sentiment_series,6)==round(undiff2,6))) # Note: very small differences
print('Original values ', hourly_sentiment_series.head())
print('De-differenced values ', undiff2.head())
# Plot actual vs predicted
# First let's get 2 versions of the time series:
# All values with the last 5 being actual values
# All values with last 5 being predicted values
hourly_sentiment_full_actual = pd.read_csv('hourly_users_sentiment_sample.csv',
indx_row_values = hourly_sentiment_full_actual.index[19:24]
predicted_series_values = pd.Series(ARMA1predict_5hourly_sentiment,
index=['2019-02-06 19:00:00',
'2019-02-06 20:00:00',
'2019-02-06 21:00:00',
'2019-02-06 22:00:00',
'2019-02-06 23:00:00'])
hourly_sentiment_full_predicted = hourly_sentiment_series.append(predicted_series_values)
# Now let's plot actual vs predicted
pyplot.plot(hourly_sentiment_full_predicted, c='orange', label='predicted')
pyplot.plot(hourly_sentiment_full_actual, c='blue', label='actual')
pyplot.legend(loc='upper left')
# Calculate the MAE to evaluate the model and see if there's
# a big difference between actual and predicted values
actual_values_holdout = hourly_sentiment_full_actual.iloc[19:24]
predicted_values_holdout = hourly_sentiment_full_predicted.iloc[19:24]
prediction_errors = []
for i in range(len(actual_values_holdout)):
err = actual_values_holdout[i]-predicted_values_holdout[i]
print('Prediction errors ', prediction_errors)
mean_absolute_error = statistics.mean(map(abs, prediction_errors))
print('Mean absolute error ', mean_absolute_error)
# You could also look at RMSE
# Would you accept this model as it is?
# There are a few problems to be aware of:
# Data might not be stationary - even though looked
# fairly stationary to our judgement, a test would
# help better determine this
# Test (using Dickey-Fuller test) to check if 2 rounds
# of differencing resulted in stationary data or not
test_results = adfuller(hourly_sentiment_series_diff2)
# Print p-value:
# If > 0.05 accept the null hypothesis, as the data
# is non-stationary
# If <= 0.05 reject the null hypothesis, as the data
# is stationary
print('p-value ', test_results[1])
-Need to better transform these data:
You could look at stabilizing the variance by applying
the cube root for neg and pos values and then
difference the data
-You might compare models with different AR and MA terms
-This is a very small sample size of 24 timestamps,
so might not have enough to spare for a holdout set
To get more use out of your data for training, rolling over time
series or timestamps at a time for different holdout sets
allows for training on more timestamps; doesn't stop the model from
capturing the last chunk of timestamps stored in a single holdout set
-The data only looks at 24 hours in one day
Would we start to capture more of a trend in hourly sentiment if we
collected data over several days?
How would you go about collecting more data?
Take on the challenge and further improve this model:
You have been given a head start, now take this example
and improve on it!
To study time series further:
-Look at model diagnostics
-Using AIC to search best model parameters
-Handle any datetime data issues
-Try other modeling techniques
Learn more during a short, intense bootcamp:
Time Series to be introduced in Data Science Dojo's
post bootcamp material
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machine learning algorithms and techniques and takes you through
the critical thinking process behind many data science tasks
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