IntroToTextAnalytics_Part3.R 4.64 KB
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# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# This R source code file corresponds to video 3 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located 
# at the following URL:

# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda", 
                   "irlba", "randomForest"))

# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")

# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")

# Check data to see if there are missing values.

# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)

# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).

# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS 
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)

# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.

ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
  theme_bw() +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
  labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
       title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")

# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split 
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll 
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split 
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e., 
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")

# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
                               p = 0.7, list = FALSE)

train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]

# Verify proportions.

# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.

# HTML-escaped ampersand character.

# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.

# A URL.

# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")

# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word", 
                       remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
                       remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)

# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.

# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)

# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
#        your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(), 
                              selection = "remove")

# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")

# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)

# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])

# Investigate the effects of stemming.