[**Estimate whether a person’s income exceeds $50K/year**](Census Income)<br/>
Classification Models | Social/Government
[**Predict the condition of a patients liver from their bloodwork**](https://code.datasciencedojo.com/datasciencedojo/datasets/tree/patch-1/Hepatitis%20C%20Virus%20(HCV)%20Classification%20Dataset)<br/>
Classification Models | Healthcare
[**Predict future poverty trends in EU Countries**](EU Population Poverty Status Dataset)<br/>
Regression Models | Social/Government
[**Predict the spread of Tuberculosis across the US**](US Tuberculosis Dataset)<br/>
Regression Models | Healthcare
[**Determine if smoking, invasive birth control methods and a history of STDs can lead to Cervical Cancer**](Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer)<br/>