Commit 850f1a5d by Rahim Rasool

Add breast cancer dataset

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Data Science Dojo <br/>
Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020
**Level** Intermediate <br/>
**Recommended Use:** Classification/Anomaly Detection<br/>
**Domain:** Health Sciences <br/>
## Breast Cancer Wisconsin Data Set
The features of this dataset are computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass.
They describe characteristics of the cell nuclei present in the image.
The target feature records the prognosis (malignant or benign).
Feel free to do **exploratory data analysis** and **data visualization** on the data set. The Following data dictionary gives more details on this data set:
### Data Dictionary
**Column Position** | **Attribute Name** | **Description** | **Attribute Type**
--------------------| ------------------------------| --------------------------------------|------------------
#1 | Id number | Sample code number | quantitative
#2 | Clump Thickness | Integer value from 1 to 10 | qualitative
#3 | Uniformity of Cell Size | Integer value from 1 to 10 | qualitative
#4 | Uniformity of Cell Shape | Integer value from 1 to 10 | quantitative
#5 | Marginal Adhesion | Integer value from 1 to 10 | quantitative
#6 | Single Epithelial Cell Size | Integer value from 1 to 10 | qualitative
#7 | Bare Nuclei | Integer value from 1 to 10 | qualitative
#8 | Bland Chromatin | Integer value from 1 to 10 | quantitative
#9 | Normal Nucleoli | Integer value from 1 to 10 | qualitative
#10 | Mitoses | Integer value from 1 to 10 | quantitative
#11 | Class | 2 for benign, 4 for malignant | qualitative
### Acknowledgement
[UCI Machine Learning Repository](
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