Commit c22e11ca by Rahim Rasool

Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'


See merge request !4
parents c98017e2 22c67d27
...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Classification Models | Finance/Banking ...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Classification Models | Finance/Banking
[**Understand driving patterns of Birmingham with respect to time and date**](Birmingham Parking Dataset)<br/> [**Understand driving patterns of Birmingham with respect to time and date**](Birmingham Parking Dataset)<br/>
Regression/Classification Models | Transport and Mobility Regression/Classification Models | Transport and Mobility
[**Explore the effect of time, date and weather on traffic volume on a US Interstate**](<br/> [**Explore the effect of time, date and weather on traffic volume on a US Interstate**](<br/>
Regression Models | Transport and Mobility Regression Models | Transport and Mobility
[**Explore patterns in drug abuse between cities, age groups and racial groups**](Accidental Drug Related Deaths in Connecticut, US)<br/> [**Explore patterns in drug abuse between cities, age groups and racial groups**](Accidental Drug Related Deaths in Connecticut, US)<br/>
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