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Data Science Dojo
Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020

Level: Advanced
Recommended Use: Regression
Domain: Social Sciences

Portugal 2019 Election Dataset

This advanced dataset contains real-time election results of the 2019 Portuguese Parliamentary Election.

The data contains information about the results of the 27 parties involved in the election. The results were updated at an interval of 5 minutes and the entire process spanned a total of 4 hours and 25 minutes.

This dataset can be used for predictive modelling and numerical forecasting tasks.

Data Dictionary

Column Number Attribute Attribute Description Data Type
1 TimeElapsed Time (in minutes) since first Data Acquisition Numeric
2 time Date and Time of Acquisition of Record Date/Time
3 territoryName Name of Territory/Location Text
4 totalMandates Number of Currently elected MPs Numeric
5 availableMandates Number Electable MPs Numeric
6 numParishes Number of Parishes in the Territory/Location Numeric
7 numParishesApproved Number of approved Parishes in the Territory/Location Numeric
8 blankVotes Number of blank votes Numeric
9 blankVotesPercentage Percentage of blank votes Numeric
10 nullVotes Number of null votes Numeric
11 nullVotesPercentage Percentage of null votes Numeric
12 votersPercentage Percentage of voters from total population Numeric
13 subscribedVoters Number of subscribed voters in the Territory/Location Numeric
14 totalVoters Percentage of blank votes Numeric
15 pre.blankVotes Number of blank votes in previous election Numeric
16 pre.blankVotesPercentage Percentage of blank votes in previous election Numeric
17 pre.nullVotes Number of null votes in previous election Numeric
18 pre.nullVotesPercentage Percentage of null votes in previous election Numeric
19 pre.votersPercentage Percentage of voters in previous election Numeric
20 pre.subscribedVoters Number of subscribed voters in the Territory/Location during the previous election Numeric
21 pre.totalVoters Percentage of blank votes in the previous election Numeric
22 Party Political Party Text
23 Mandates MP's elected at the moment for the party in a given district Numeric
24 Percentage Percentage of votes in a party Numeric
25 validVotesPercentage Percentage of valid votes in a party Numeric
26 Votes Percentage of party votes Numeric
27 Hondt Number of MP's according to the distribution of votes now Numeric
28 FinalMandates Target: final number of elected MP's in a district/national-level Numeric


This data set has been sourced from the Machine Learning Repository of University of California, Irvine Real-time Election Results: Portugal 2019 Data Set (UC Irvine).
The UCI page mentions the following publication as the original source of the data set:
Nuno Moniz (2019) Real-time 2019 Portuguese Parliament Election Results Dataset