Data Sets to Uplift your Skills
- Data Science Dojo has added more than 43 data sets to this repository.
- The repository carries a diverse range of themes, difficulty levels, sizes and attributes.
- They offer hands-on practice to boost their skills in exploratory data analysis, data visualization, data wrangling and machine learning.
- The data sets below have been sorted with increasing level of difficulty for convenience (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).
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Find out the age of Abalone from physical measurements
Regression Models | Environment
Predict student's knowledge level
Classification/Clustering | Education/Web
Can you predict the price of a house?
Regression Models | Real Estate
Can you estimate location from WIFI Signal Strength
Classification Models | Mobile/Location
Predict acceptability of a car
Classification Models | Automobile
Predict seminal quality of an individual
Regression/Classification Models | Healthcare/Life
Estimate chance of bankruptcy from qualitative parameters by experts
Classification Models | Finance/Banking
Understand driving patterns of Birmingham with respect to time and date
Regression/Classification Models | Transport and Mobility
Explore the effect of time, date and weather on traffic volume on a US Interstate
Regression Models | Transport and Mobility
Explore patterns in drug abuse between cities, age groups and racial groups
Classification Models | Healthcare/Social Sciences
Can you predict the fuel-efficiency of a car?
Regression Models | Automobiles
Was that chest pain an indicator of a heart disease
Classification Models | Health Sciences
Predict total number of demand of orders
Regression Models | Business
Find out if a donor will give blood in March 2007
Classification Models | Business
Forecast pollution level of a city
Regression Models | Environment
Will the patient survive for at least one year after a heart attack
Classification Models | Automobiles
Estimate compressive strength of concrete
Regression Models | Civil Engineering/Construction
Discover patterns relating liver disorder and alcohol consumption
Classification/Regression/Clustering Models | Healthcare
Predict which stock will provide greatest rate of return
Clustering/Regression/Classification Models | Business/Finance
Assess heating and cooling load requirements of building
Regression/Classification Models | Energy
Determine the type of glass using oxide content
Classification Models | Physical
Predict chance of survival
Classification Models | Healthcare
Find patterns from spending data at wholesale
Classification/Clustering | Business/Retail
Group similar travel reviews
Clustering/Classification Models | Domain: Web
Relate returns of Istanbul Stock Exchange with other international indices
Regression/Classification Models | Business/Finance
Predict bike rental count (hourly/daily) based on the environmental & seasonal settings
Regression Models | Social
Detect Room Occupancy through Light, Temperature, Humidity and CO2 sensors
Classification Models | Energy/Buildings
Estimate whether a person’s income exceeds $50K/year
Classification Models | Social/Government
Predict the condition of a patients liver from their bloodwork
Classification Models | Healthcare
Predict future poverty trends in EU Countries
Regression Models | Social/Government
Predict the spread of Tuberculosis across the US
Regression Models | Healthcare
Determine if smoking, invasive birth control methods and a history of STDs can lead to Cervical Cancer
Classification Models | Healthcare
Detect Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) cases
Classification Models | Healthcare/Social Sciences
Estimate the probability of Default
Classification Models | Business/Finance
Predict if a note is genuine
Classification Models | Banking/Finance
Find a short term forecast on electricity consumption of a single home
Regression/Clustering Models | Electricity
Predict the number of shares on social networks
Regression/Classification Models | Business/Web
Analyze the text or sentiment of products on Amazon, or recommend products
Text Analytics/Sentiment Analysis/Recommender Systems
Explore predictive modelling and numerical forecasting techniques
Regression Models | Social Sciences/Government
Explore changes in brain activity in humans in the presence and absence of a visual stimulus
Classification Models | Neuroscience/Healthcare
Explore patterns in brain activity based on multiple visual and non-visual stimuli
Classification Models | Neuroscience/Healthcare
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