Data Science Dojo
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Level: Beginner
Recommended Use: Classification/Clustering
Domain: Education/Web
User Knowledge Modeling Data Set
Predict student's knowledge level
This beginner level data set has 403 rows and 6 columns. The data set has been divided into training and testing (training: 258, testing: 145). It is a real dataset about the students' knowledge status about the subject of Electrical DC Machines. This data set is recommended for learning and practicing your skills in exploratory data analysis, data visualization, and classification and clustering techniques. Feel free to explore the data set with multiple supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. The Following data dictionary gives more details on this data set:
Data Dictionary
Column Position | Atrribute Name | Definition | Data Type | Example | % Null Ratios |
1 | STG | The degree of study time for goal object materials | Quantitative | 0.060, 0.100, 0.080 | 0 |
2 | SCG | The degree of repetition number of user for goal object materials | Quantitative | 0.000, 0.100, 0.250 | 0 |
3 | STR | The degree of study time of user for related objects with goal object | Quantitative | 0.10, 0.15, 0.05 | 0 |
4 | LPR | The exam performance of user for related objects with goal object | Quantitative | 0.98, 0.10, 0.01 | 0 |
5 | PEG | The exam performance of user for goal objects | Quantitative | 0.66, 0.56, 0.33 | 0 |
6 | UNS | The knowledge level of user (Very Low, Low, Middle, High) | Qualitative | "High", "Middle", "Low" | 0 |
This data set has been sourced from the Machine Learning Repository of University of California, Irvine User Knowledge Modeling Data Set (UC Irvine).
The UCI page mentions the following publication as the original source of the data set:
H. T. Kahraman, Sagiroglu, S., Colak, I., Developing intuitive knowledge classifier and modeling of users' domain dependent data in web, Knowledge Based Systems, vol. 37, pp. 283-295, 2013