Commit 22ca7a9d by Tarun Shrivas


parent dde3fbc1
......@@ -22,9 +22,8 @@ This *intermediate* level data set has 398 rows and 9 columns and provides milea
### <span style="color:#15A3D8">Data Dictionary</span>
|*Column Position* |*Attribute Name* |*Description* |*Examples* |*Attribute Type* | *Nulls Ratio* |
|**Column Position**|**Attribute Name**|**Description** |**Examples** |**Attribute Type** |**Nulls Ratio** |
| #1 | mpg | fuel efficiency measured in miles per gallon (mpg) | 9.0, 13.0, 41.5 | quantitative | 0% |
| #2 | cylinders | number of cylinders in the engine | 3, 4, 8 | qualitative | 0% |
| #3 | displacement | engine displacement (in cubic inches) | 68.0, 112.0, 455.0 | quantitative | 0% |
......@@ -37,6 +36,10 @@ This *intermediate* level data set has 398 rows and 9 columns and provides milea
### <span style="color:#15A3D8">Acknowledgement</span>
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