### Predict if a donor will give blood in March 2007

This *advanced* level data set has 748 instances and 5 attributes.
This data set is recommended for learning and practicing your skills in **exploratory data analysis**, **data visualization**, and **classification modelling techniques**.
Feel free to explore the data set with multiple **supervised** and **unsupervised** learning techniques.
Following is the information about the Data Set provided in the source:
To demonstrate the RFMTC marketing model (a modified version of RFM), this study adopted the donor database of Blood Transfusion Service Center in Hsin-Chu City in Taiwan. The center passes their blood transfusion service bus to one university in Hsin-Chu City to gather blood donated about every three months. To
build a FRMTC model, we selected 748 donors at random from the donor database. These 748 donor data, each one included R (Recency - months since last donation), F (Frequency - total number of donation), M (Monetary - total blood
donated in c.c.), T (Time - months since first donation), and a binary variable representing whether he/she donated blood in March 2007 (1 stand for donating blood; 0 stands for not donating blood)
The Following data dictionary gives more details on this data set:
### Data Dictionary
| Column Position | Atrribute Name | Definition | Data Type | Example | % Null Ratios |
| 1 | Recency (months) | Number of months since the particular donor's most recent donation | Quantitative | 5, 0, 2 | 0 |
| 2 | Frequency (times) | Total number of donations that the donor has made | Quantitative | 50, 10, 9 | 0 |
| 3 | Monetary (c.c. blood) | Total amound of blood that the donor has donated (cubic centimeters) | Quantitative | 4000, 2750, 500 | 0 |
| 4 | Time (months) | Number of months since the donor's first donation | Quantitative | 16, 58, 69 | 0 |
| 5 | whether he/she donated blood in March 2007 | This is a binary variable which represents whether the donor donated blood in March 2007: (1, 0) | Quantitative | 1, 0 | 0 |
### Acknowledgement
This data set has been sourced from the Machine Learning Repository of University of California, Irvine [Blood Transfusion Service Center Data Set (UC Irvine)](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Blood+Transfusion+Service+Center). The UCI page mentions Blood Transfusion Service Center, Hsin-Chu City, Taiwan as the original source of the data set.