Commit 22f44079 by Arham Akheel

Migrating Introduction to Text Analytics with R to tutorials repository.

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# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to the Data Science Dojo webinar
# titled "An Introduction to Data Visualization with R and ggplot2"
# Load Titanic titanicing data for analysis. Open in spreadsheet view.
titanic <- read.csv("titanic.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Set up factors.
titanic$Pclass <- as.factor(titanic$Pclass)
titanic$Survived <- as.factor(titanic$Survived)
titanic$Sex <- as.factor(titanic$Sex)
titanic$Embarked <- as.factor(titanic$Embarked)
# We'll start our visual analysis of the data focusing on questions
# related to survival rates. Specifically, these questions will use
# the factor (i.e., categorical) variables in the data. Factor data
# is very common in the business context and ggplot2 offers many
# powerful features for visualizing factor data.
# First question - What was the survival rate?
# As Survived is a factor (i.e., categorical) variable, a bar chart
# is a great visualization to use.
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Survived)) +
# If you really want percentages.
# Add some customization for labels and theme.
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Survived)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_bar() +
labs(y = "Passenger Count",
title = "Titanic Survival Rates")
# Second question - What was the survival rate by gender?
# We can use color to look at two aspects (i.e., dimensions)
# of the data simultaneously.
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Sex, fill = Survived)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_bar() +
labs(y = "Passenger Count",
title = "Titanic Survival Rates by Sex")
# Third question - What was the survival rate by class of ticket?
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Pclass, fill = Survived)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_bar() +
labs(y = "Passenger Count",
title = "Titanic Survival Rates by Pclass")
# Fourth question - What was the survival rate by class of ticket
# and gender?
# We can leverage facets to further segment the data and enable
# "visual drill-down" into the data.
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Sex, fill = Survived)) +
theme_bw() +
facet_wrap(~ Pclass) +
geom_bar() +
labs(y = "Passenger Count",
title = "Titanic Survival Rates by Pclass and Sex")
# Next, we'll move on to visualizing continuous (i.e., numeric)
# data using ggplot2. We'll explore visualizations of single
# numeric variables (i.e., columns) and also illustrate how
# ggplot2 enables visual drill-down on numeric data.
# Fifth Question - What is the distribution of passenger ages?
# The histogram is a staple of visualizing numeric data as it very
# powerfully communicates the distrubtion of a variable (i.e., column).
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Age)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Passenger Count",
x = "Age (binwidth = 5)",
title = "Titanic Age Distribtion")
# Sixth Question - What are the survival rates by age?
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Age, fill = Survived)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Passenger Count",
x = "Age (binwidth = 5)",
title = "Titanic Survival Rates by Age")
# Another great visualization for this question is the box-and-whisker
# plot.
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Survived, y = Age)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(y = "Age",
x = "Survived",
title = "Titanic Survival Rates by Age")
# Seventh Question - What is the survival rates by age when segmented
# by gender and class of ticket?
# A related visualization to the histogram is a density plot. Think of
# a density plot as a smoothed version of the histogram. Using ggplot2
# we can use facets to allow for visual drill-down via density plots.
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Age, fill = Survived)) +
theme_bw() +
facet_wrap(Sex ~ Pclass) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.5) +
labs(y = "Age",
x = "Survived",
title = "Titanic Survival Rates by Age, Pclass and Sex")
# If you prefer histograms, no problem!
ggplot(titanic, aes(x = Age, fill = Survived)) +
theme_bw() +
facet_wrap(Sex ~ Pclass) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Age",
x = "Survived",
title = "Titanic Survival Rates by Age, Pclass and Sex")
# IntroDataVisualizationWithRAndGgplot2
The public GitHub repository for Data Science Dojo's webinar titled "An Introduction to Data Visualization with R and ggplot2".
These materials make use of the data from Kaggle's [Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster]( competition.
Additionally, the following are required to use the files for the Meetup:
* [The R programming language](
* While not required, [RStudio]( is highly recommended.
* The [ggplot2]( package.
1,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Owen Harris",male,22,1,0,A/5 21171,7.25,,S
2,1,1,"Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)",female,38,1,0,PC 17599,71.2833,C85,C
3,1,3,"Heikkinen, Miss. Laina",female,26,0,0,STON/O2. 3101282,7.925,,S
4,1,1,"Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)",female,35,1,0,113803,53.1,C123,S
5,0,3,"Allen, Mr. William Henry",male,35,0,0,373450,8.05,,S
6,0,3,"Moran, Mr. James",male,,0,0,330877,8.4583,,Q
7,0,1,"McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J",male,54,0,0,17463,51.8625,E46,S
8,0,3,"Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard",male,2,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
9,1,3,"Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg)",female,27,0,2,347742,11.1333,,S
10,1,2,"Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem)",female,14,1,0,237736,30.0708,,C
11,1,3,"Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut",female,4,1,1,PP 9549,16.7,G6,S
12,1,1,"Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth",female,58,0,0,113783,26.55,C103,S
13,0,3,"Saundercock, Mr. William Henry",male,20,0,0,A/5. 2151,8.05,,S
14,0,3,"Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan",male,39,1,5,347082,31.275,,S
15,0,3,"Vestrom, Miss. Hulda Amanda Adolfina",female,14,0,0,350406,7.8542,,S
16,1,2,"Hewlett, Mrs. (Mary D Kingcome) ",female,55,0,0,248706,16,,S
17,0,3,"Rice, Master. Eugene",male,2,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
18,1,2,"Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene",male,,0,0,244373,13,,S
19,0,3,"Vander Planke, Mrs. Julius (Emelia Maria Vandemoortele)",female,31,1,0,345763,18,,S
20,1,3,"Masselmani, Mrs. Fatima",female,,0,0,2649,7.225,,C
21,0,2,"Fynney, Mr. Joseph J",male,35,0,0,239865,26,,S
22,1,2,"Beesley, Mr. Lawrence",male,34,0,0,248698,13,D56,S
23,1,3,"McGowan, Miss. Anna ""Annie""",female,15,0,0,330923,8.0292,,Q
24,1,1,"Sloper, Mr. William Thompson",male,28,0,0,113788,35.5,A6,S
25,0,3,"Palsson, Miss. Torborg Danira",female,8,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
26,1,3,"Asplund, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Selma Augusta Emilia Johansson)",female,38,1,5,347077,31.3875,,S
27,0,3,"Emir, Mr. Farred Chehab",male,,0,0,2631,7.225,,C
28,0,1,"Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander",male,19,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
29,1,3,"O'Dwyer, Miss. Ellen ""Nellie""",female,,0,0,330959,7.8792,,Q
30,0,3,"Todoroff, Mr. Lalio",male,,0,0,349216,7.8958,,S
31,0,1,"Uruchurtu, Don. Manuel E",male,40,0,0,PC 17601,27.7208,,C
32,1,1,"Spencer, Mrs. William Augustus (Marie Eugenie)",female,,1,0,PC 17569,146.5208,B78,C
33,1,3,"Glynn, Miss. Mary Agatha",female,,0,0,335677,7.75,,Q
34,0,2,"Wheadon, Mr. Edward H",male,66,0,0,C.A. 24579,10.5,,S
35,0,1,"Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph",male,28,1,0,PC 17604,82.1708,,C
36,0,1,"Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar",male,42,1,0,113789,52,,S
37,1,3,"Mamee, Mr. Hanna",male,,0,0,2677,7.2292,,C
38,0,3,"Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles",male,21,0,0,A./5. 2152,8.05,,S
39,0,3,"Vander Planke, Miss. Augusta Maria",female,18,2,0,345764,18,,S
40,1,3,"Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila",female,14,1,0,2651,11.2417,,C
41,0,3,"Ahlin, Mrs. Johan (Johanna Persdotter Larsson)",female,40,1,0,7546,9.475,,S
42,0,2,"Turpin, Mrs. William John Robert (Dorothy Ann Wonnacott)",female,27,1,0,11668,21,,S
43,0,3,"Kraeff, Mr. Theodor",male,,0,0,349253,7.8958,,C
44,1,2,"Laroche, Miss. Simonne Marie Anne Andree",female,3,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
45,1,3,"Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia",female,19,0,0,330958,7.8792,,Q
46,0,3,"Rogers, Mr. William John",male,,0,0,S.C./A.4. 23567,8.05,,S
47,0,3,"Lennon, Mr. Denis",male,,1,0,370371,15.5,,Q
48,1,3,"O'Driscoll, Miss. Bridget",female,,0,0,14311,7.75,,Q
49,0,3,"Samaan, Mr. Youssef",male,,2,0,2662,21.6792,,C
50,0,3,"Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Josefine Franchi)",female,18,1,0,349237,17.8,,S
51,0,3,"Panula, Master. Juha Niilo",male,7,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
52,0,3,"Nosworthy, Mr. Richard Cater",male,21,0,0,A/4. 39886,7.8,,S
53,1,1,"Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper (Myna Haxtun)",female,49,1,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D33,C
54,1,2,"Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie (Elizabeth Anne Wilkinson)",female,29,1,0,2926,26,,S
55,0,1,"Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius",male,65,0,1,113509,61.9792,B30,C
56,1,1,"Woolner, Mr. Hugh",male,,0,0,19947,35.5,C52,S
57,1,2,"Rugg, Miss. Emily",female,21,0,0,C.A. 31026,10.5,,S
58,0,3,"Novel, Mr. Mansouer",male,28.5,0,0,2697,7.2292,,C
59,1,2,"West, Miss. Constance Mirium",female,5,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
60,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. William Frederick",male,11,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
61,0,3,"Sirayanian, Mr. Orsen",male,22,0,0,2669,7.2292,,C
62,1,1,"Icard, Miss. Amelie",female,38,0,0,113572,80,B28,
63,0,1,"Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt",male,45,1,0,36973,83.475,C83,S
64,0,3,"Skoog, Master. Harald",male,4,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
65,0,1,"Stewart, Mr. Albert A",male,,0,0,PC 17605,27.7208,,C
66,1,3,"Moubarek, Master. Gerios",male,,1,1,2661,15.2458,,C
67,1,2,"Nye, Mrs. (Elizabeth Ramell)",female,29,0,0,C.A. 29395,10.5,F33,S
68,0,3,"Crease, Mr. Ernest James",male,19,0,0,S.P. 3464,8.1583,,S
69,1,3,"Andersson, Miss. Erna Alexandra",female,17,4,2,3101281,7.925,,S
70,0,3,"Kink, Mr. Vincenz",male,26,2,0,315151,8.6625,,S
71,0,2,"Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow",male,32,0,0,C.A. 33111,10.5,,S
72,0,3,"Goodwin, Miss. Lillian Amy",female,16,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
73,0,2,"Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr",male,21,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
74,0,3,"Chronopoulos, Mr. Apostolos",male,26,1,0,2680,14.4542,,C
75,1,3,"Bing, Mr. Lee",male,32,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
76,0,3,"Moen, Mr. Sigurd Hansen",male,25,0,0,348123,7.65,F G73,S
77,0,3,"Staneff, Mr. Ivan",male,,0,0,349208,7.8958,,S
78,0,3,"Moutal, Mr. Rahamin Haim",male,,0,0,374746,8.05,,S
79,1,2,"Caldwell, Master. Alden Gates",male,0.83,0,2,248738,29,,S
80,1,3,"Dowdell, Miss. Elizabeth",female,30,0,0,364516,12.475,,S
81,0,3,"Waelens, Mr. Achille",male,22,0,0,345767,9,,S
82,1,3,"Sheerlinck, Mr. Jan Baptist",male,29,0,0,345779,9.5,,S
83,1,3,"McDermott, Miss. Brigdet Delia",female,,0,0,330932,7.7875,,Q
84,0,1,"Carrau, Mr. Francisco M",male,28,0,0,113059,47.1,,S
85,1,2,"Ilett, Miss. Bertha",female,17,0,0,SO/C 14885,10.5,,S
86,1,3,"Backstrom, Mrs. Karl Alfred (Maria Mathilda Gustafsson)",female,33,3,0,3101278,15.85,,S
87,0,3,"Ford, Mr. William Neal",male,16,1,3,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
88,0,3,"Slocovski, Mr. Selman Francis",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392086,8.05,,S
89,1,1,"Fortune, Miss. Mabel Helen",female,23,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
90,0,3,"Celotti, Mr. Francesco",male,24,0,0,343275,8.05,,S
91,0,3,"Christmann, Mr. Emil",male,29,0,0,343276,8.05,,S
92,0,3,"Andreasson, Mr. Paul Edvin",male,20,0,0,347466,7.8542,,S
93,0,1,"Chaffee, Mr. Herbert Fuller",male,46,1,0,W.E.P. 5734,61.175,E31,S
94,0,3,"Dean, Mr. Bertram Frank",male,26,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
95,0,3,"Coxon, Mr. Daniel",male,59,0,0,364500,7.25,,S
96,0,3,"Shorney, Mr. Charles Joseph",male,,0,0,374910,8.05,,S
97,0,1,"Goldschmidt, Mr. George B",male,71,0,0,PC 17754,34.6542,A5,C
98,1,1,"Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram",male,23,0,1,PC 17759,63.3583,D10 D12,C
99,1,2,"Doling, Mrs. John T (Ada Julia Bone)",female,34,0,1,231919,23,,S
100,0,2,"Kantor, Mr. Sinai",male,34,1,0,244367,26,,S
101,0,3,"Petranec, Miss. Matilda",female,28,0,0,349245,7.8958,,S
102,0,3,"Petroff, Mr. Pastcho (""Pentcho"")",male,,0,0,349215,7.8958,,S
103,0,1,"White, Mr. Richard Frasar",male,21,0,1,35281,77.2875,D26,S
104,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Gustaf Joel",male,33,0,0,7540,8.6542,,S
105,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Anders Vilhelm",male,37,2,0,3101276,7.925,,S
106,0,3,"Mionoff, Mr. Stoytcho",male,28,0,0,349207,7.8958,,S
107,1,3,"Salkjelsvik, Miss. Anna Kristine",female,21,0,0,343120,7.65,,S
108,1,3,"Moss, Mr. Albert Johan",male,,0,0,312991,7.775,,S
109,0,3,"Rekic, Mr. Tido",male,38,0,0,349249,7.8958,,S
110,1,3,"Moran, Miss. Bertha",female,,1,0,371110,24.15,,Q
111,0,1,"Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain",male,47,0,0,110465,52,C110,S
112,0,3,"Zabour, Miss. Hileni",female,14.5,1,0,2665,14.4542,,C
113,0,3,"Barton, Mr. David John",male,22,0,0,324669,8.05,,S
114,0,3,"Jussila, Miss. Katriina",female,20,1,0,4136,9.825,,S
115,0,3,"Attalah, Miss. Malake",female,17,0,0,2627,14.4583,,C
116,0,3,"Pekoniemi, Mr. Edvard",male,21,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101294,7.925,,S
117,0,3,"Connors, Mr. Patrick",male,70.5,0,0,370369,7.75,,Q
118,0,2,"Turpin, Mr. William John Robert",male,29,1,0,11668,21,,S
119,0,1,"Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond",male,24,0,1,PC 17558,247.5208,B58 B60,C
120,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ellis Anna Maria",female,2,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
121,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Stanley George",male,21,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
122,0,3,"Moore, Mr. Leonard Charles",male,,0,0,A4. 54510,8.05,,S
123,0,2,"Nasser, Mr. Nicholas",male,32.5,1,0,237736,30.0708,,C
124,1,2,"Webber, Miss. Susan",female,32.5,0,0,27267,13,E101,S
125,0,1,"White, Mr. Percival Wayland",male,54,0,1,35281,77.2875,D26,S
126,1,3,"Nicola-Yarred, Master. Elias",male,12,1,0,2651,11.2417,,C
127,0,3,"McMahon, Mr. Martin",male,,0,0,370372,7.75,,Q
128,1,3,"Madsen, Mr. Fridtjof Arne",male,24,0,0,C 17369,7.1417,,S
129,1,3,"Peter, Miss. Anna",female,,1,1,2668,22.3583,F E69,C
130,0,3,"Ekstrom, Mr. Johan",male,45,0,0,347061,6.975,,S
131,0,3,"Drazenoic, Mr. Jozef",male,33,0,0,349241,7.8958,,C
132,0,3,"Coelho, Mr. Domingos Fernandeo",male,20,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101307,7.05,,S
133,0,3,"Robins, Mrs. Alexander A (Grace Charity Laury)",female,47,1,0,A/5. 3337,14.5,,S
134,1,2,"Weisz, Mrs. Leopold (Mathilde Francoise Pede)",female,29,1,0,228414,26,,S
135,0,2,"Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden",male,25,0,0,C.A. 29178,13,,S
136,0,2,"Richard, Mr. Emile",male,23,0,0,SC/PARIS 2133,15.0458,,C
137,1,1,"Newsom, Miss. Helen Monypeny",female,19,0,2,11752,26.2833,D47,S
138,0,1,"Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath",male,37,1,0,113803,53.1,C123,S
139,0,3,"Osen, Mr. Olaf Elon",male,16,0,0,7534,9.2167,,S
140,0,1,"Giglio, Mr. Victor",male,24,0,0,PC 17593,79.2,B86,C
141,0,3,"Boulos, Mrs. Joseph (Sultana)",female,,0,2,2678,15.2458,,C
142,1,3,"Nysten, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,22,0,0,347081,7.75,,S
143,1,3,"Hakkarainen, Mrs. Pekka Pietari (Elin Matilda Dolck)",female,24,1,0,STON/O2. 3101279,15.85,,S
144,0,3,"Burke, Mr. Jeremiah",male,19,0,0,365222,6.75,,Q
145,0,2,"Andrew, Mr. Edgardo Samuel",male,18,0,0,231945,11.5,,S
146,0,2,"Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles",male,19,1,1,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
147,1,3,"Andersson, Mr. August Edvard (""Wennerstrom"")",male,27,0,0,350043,7.7958,,S
148,0,3,"Ford, Miss. Robina Maggie ""Ruby""",female,9,2,2,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
149,0,2,"Navratil, Mr. Michel (""Louis M Hoffman"")",male,36.5,0,2,230080,26,F2,S
150,0,2,"Byles, Rev. Thomas Roussel Davids",male,42,0,0,244310,13,,S
151,0,2,"Bateman, Rev. Robert James",male,51,0,0,S.O.P. 1166,12.525,,S
152,1,1,"Pears, Mrs. Thomas (Edith Wearne)",female,22,1,0,113776,66.6,C2,S
153,0,3,"Meo, Mr. Alfonzo",male,55.5,0,0,A.5. 11206,8.05,,S
154,0,3,"van Billiard, Mr. Austin Blyler",male,40.5,0,2,A/5. 851,14.5,,S
155,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Ole Martin",male,,0,0,Fa 265302,7.3125,,S
156,0,1,"Williams, Mr. Charles Duane",male,51,0,1,PC 17597,61.3792,,C
157,1,3,"Gilnagh, Miss. Katherine ""Katie""",female,16,0,0,35851,7.7333,,Q
158,0,3,"Corn, Mr. Harry",male,30,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392090,8.05,,S
159,0,3,"Smiljanic, Mr. Mile",male,,0,0,315037,8.6625,,S
160,0,3,"Sage, Master. Thomas Henry",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
161,0,3,"Cribb, Mr. John Hatfield",male,44,0,1,371362,16.1,,S
162,1,2,"Watt, Mrs. James (Elizabeth ""Bessie"" Inglis Milne)",female,40,0,0,C.A. 33595,15.75,,S
163,0,3,"Bengtsson, Mr. John Viktor",male,26,0,0,347068,7.775,,S
164,0,3,"Calic, Mr. Jovo",male,17,0,0,315093,8.6625,,S
165,0,3,"Panula, Master. Eino Viljami",male,1,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
166,1,3,"Goldsmith, Master. Frank John William ""Frankie""",male,9,0,2,363291,20.525,,S
167,1,1,"Chibnall, Mrs. (Edith Martha Bowerman)",female,,0,1,113505,55,E33,S
168,0,3,"Skoog, Mrs. William (Anna Bernhardina Karlsson)",female,45,1,4,347088,27.9,,S
169,0,1,"Baumann, Mr. John D",male,,0,0,PC 17318,25.925,,S
170,0,3,"Ling, Mr. Lee",male,28,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
171,0,1,"Van der hoef, Mr. Wyckoff",male,61,0,0,111240,33.5,B19,S
172,0,3,"Rice, Master. Arthur",male,4,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
173,1,3,"Johnson, Miss. Eleanor Ileen",female,1,1,1,347742,11.1333,,S
174,0,3,"Sivola, Mr. Antti Wilhelm",male,21,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101280,7.925,,S
175,0,1,"Smith, Mr. James Clinch",male,56,0,0,17764,30.6958,A7,C
176,0,3,"Klasen, Mr. Klas Albin",male,18,1,1,350404,7.8542,,S
177,0,3,"Lefebre, Master. Henry Forbes",male,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
178,0,1,"Isham, Miss. Ann Elizabeth",female,50,0,0,PC 17595,28.7125,C49,C
179,0,2,"Hale, Mr. Reginald",male,30,0,0,250653,13,,S
180,0,3,"Leonard, Mr. Lionel",male,36,0,0,LINE,0,,S
181,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Constance Gladys",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
182,0,2,"Pernot, Mr. Rene",male,,0,0,SC/PARIS 2131,15.05,,C
183,0,3,"Asplund, Master. Clarence Gustaf Hugo",male,9,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
184,1,2,"Becker, Master. Richard F",male,1,2,1,230136,39,F4,S
185,1,3,"Kink-Heilmann, Miss. Luise Gretchen",female,4,0,2,315153,22.025,,S
186,0,1,"Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe",male,,0,0,113767,50,A32,S
187,1,3,"O'Brien, Mrs. Thomas (Johanna ""Hannah"" Godfrey)",female,,1,0,370365,15.5,,Q
188,1,1,"Romaine, Mr. Charles Hallace (""Mr C Rolmane"")",male,45,0,0,111428,26.55,,S
189,0,3,"Bourke, Mr. John",male,40,1,1,364849,15.5,,Q
190,0,3,"Turcin, Mr. Stjepan",male,36,0,0,349247,7.8958,,S
191,1,2,"Pinsky, Mrs. (Rosa)",female,32,0,0,234604,13,,S
192,0,2,"Carbines, Mr. William",male,19,0,0,28424,13,,S
193,1,3,"Andersen-Jensen, Miss. Carla Christine Nielsine",female,19,1,0,350046,7.8542,,S
194,1,2,"Navratil, Master. Michel M",male,3,1,1,230080,26,F2,S
195,1,1,"Brown, Mrs. James Joseph (Margaret Tobin)",female,44,0,0,PC 17610,27.7208,B4,C
196,1,1,"Lurette, Miss. Elise",female,58,0,0,PC 17569,146.5208,B80,C
197,0,3,"Mernagh, Mr. Robert",male,,0,0,368703,7.75,,Q
198,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Karl Siegwart Andreas",male,42,0,1,4579,8.4042,,S
199,1,3,"Madigan, Miss. Margaret ""Maggie""",female,,0,0,370370,7.75,,Q
200,0,2,"Yrois, Miss. Henriette (""Mrs Harbeck"")",female,24,0,0,248747,13,,S
201,0,3,"Vande Walle, Mr. Nestor Cyriel",male,28,0,0,345770,9.5,,S
202,0,3,"Sage, Mr. Frederick",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
203,0,3,"Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred",male,34,0,0,3101264,6.4958,,S
204,0,3,"Youseff, Mr. Gerious",male,45.5,0,0,2628,7.225,,C
205,1,3,"Cohen, Mr. Gurshon ""Gus""",male,18,0,0,A/5 3540,8.05,,S
206,0,3,"Strom, Miss. Telma Matilda",female,2,0,1,347054,10.4625,G6,S
207,0,3,"Backstrom, Mr. Karl Alfred",male,32,1,0,3101278,15.85,,S
208,1,3,"Albimona, Mr. Nassef Cassem",male,26,0,0,2699,18.7875,,C
209,1,3,"Carr, Miss. Helen ""Ellen""",female,16,0,0,367231,7.75,,Q
210,1,1,"Blank, Mr. Henry",male,40,0,0,112277,31,A31,C
211,0,3,"Ali, Mr. Ahmed",male,24,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101311,7.05,,S
212,1,2,"Cameron, Miss. Clear Annie",female,35,0,0,F.C.C. 13528,21,,S
213,0,3,"Perkin, Mr. John Henry",male,22,0,0,A/5 21174,7.25,,S
214,0,2,"Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen",male,30,0,0,250646,13,,S
215,0,3,"Kiernan, Mr. Philip",male,,1,0,367229,7.75,,Q
216,1,1,"Newell, Miss. Madeleine",female,31,1,0,35273,113.275,D36,C
217,1,3,"Honkanen, Miss. Eliina",female,27,0,0,STON/O2. 3101283,7.925,,S
218,0,2,"Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel",male,42,1,0,243847,27,,S
219,1,1,"Bazzani, Miss. Albina",female,32,0,0,11813,76.2917,D15,C
220,0,2,"Harris, Mr. Walter",male,30,0,0,W/C 14208,10.5,,S
221,1,3,"Sunderland, Mr. Victor Francis",male,16,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392089,8.05,,S
222,0,2,"Bracken, Mr. James H",male,27,0,0,220367,13,,S
223,0,3,"Green, Mr. George Henry",male,51,0,0,21440,8.05,,S
224,0,3,"Nenkoff, Mr. Christo",male,,0,0,349234,7.8958,,S
225,1,1,"Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield",male,38,1,0,19943,90,C93,S
226,0,3,"Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven",male,22,0,0,PP 4348,9.35,,S
227,1,2,"Mellors, Mr. William John",male,19,0,0,SW/PP 751,10.5,,S
228,0,3,"Lovell, Mr. John Hall (""Henry"")",male,20.5,0,0,A/5 21173,7.25,,S
229,0,2,"Fahlstrom, Mr. Arne Jonas",male,18,0,0,236171,13,,S
230,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Mathilde",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
231,1,1,"Harris, Mrs. Henry Birkhardt (Irene Wallach)",female,35,1,0,36973,83.475,C83,S
232,0,3,"Larsson, Mr. Bengt Edvin",male,29,0,0,347067,7.775,,S
233,0,2,"Sjostedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf",male,59,0,0,237442,13.5,,S
234,1,3,"Asplund, Miss. Lillian Gertrud",female,5,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
235,0,2,"Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norman",male,24,0,0,C.A. 29566,10.5,,S
236,0,3,"Harknett, Miss. Alice Phoebe",female,,0,0,W./C. 6609,7.55,,S
237,0,2,"Hold, Mr. Stephen",male,44,1,0,26707,26,,S
238,1,2,"Collyer, Miss. Marjorie ""Lottie""",female,8,0,2,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
239,0,2,"Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William",male,19,0,0,28665,10.5,,S
240,0,2,"Hunt, Mr. George Henry",male,33,0,0,SCO/W 1585,12.275,,S
241,0,3,"Zabour, Miss. Thamine",female,,1,0,2665,14.4542,,C
242,1,3,"Murphy, Miss. Katherine ""Kate""",female,,1,0,367230,15.5,,Q
243,0,2,"Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles",male,29,0,0,W./C. 14263,10.5,,S
244,0,3,"Maenpaa, Mr. Matti Alexanteri",male,22,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101275,7.125,,S
245,0,3,"Attalah, Mr. Sleiman",male,30,0,0,2694,7.225,,C
246,0,1,"Minahan, Dr. William Edward",male,44,2,0,19928,90,C78,Q
247,0,3,"Lindahl, Miss. Agda Thorilda Viktoria",female,25,0,0,347071,7.775,,S
248,1,2,"Hamalainen, Mrs. William (Anna)",female,24,0,2,250649,14.5,,S
249,1,1,"Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard",male,37,1,1,11751,52.5542,D35,S
250,0,2,"Carter, Rev. Ernest Courtenay",male,54,1,0,244252,26,,S
251,0,3,"Reed, Mr. James George",male,,0,0,362316,7.25,,S
252,0,3,"Strom, Mrs. Wilhelm (Elna Matilda Persson)",female,29,1,1,347054,10.4625,G6,S
253,0,1,"Stead, Mr. William Thomas",male,62,0,0,113514,26.55,C87,S
254,0,3,"Lobb, Mr. William Arthur",male,30,1,0,A/5. 3336,16.1,,S
255,0,3,"Rosblom, Mrs. Viktor (Helena Wilhelmina)",female,41,0,2,370129,20.2125,,S
256,1,3,"Touma, Mrs. Darwis (Hanne Youssef Razi)",female,29,0,2,2650,15.2458,,C
257,1,1,"Thorne, Mrs. Gertrude Maybelle",female,,0,0,PC 17585,79.2,,C
258,1,1,"Cherry, Miss. Gladys",female,30,0,0,110152,86.5,B77,S
259,1,1,"Ward, Miss. Anna",female,35,0,0,PC 17755,512.3292,,C
260,1,2,"Parrish, Mrs. (Lutie Davis)",female,50,0,1,230433,26,,S
261,0,3,"Smith, Mr. Thomas",male,,0,0,384461,7.75,,Q
262,1,3,"Asplund, Master. Edvin Rojj Felix",male,3,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
263,0,1,"Taussig, Mr. Emil",male,52,1,1,110413,79.65,E67,S
264,0,1,"Harrison, Mr. William",male,40,0,0,112059,0,B94,S
265,0,3,"Henry, Miss. Delia",female,,0,0,382649,7.75,,Q
266,0,2,"Reeves, Mr. David",male,36,0,0,C.A. 17248,10.5,,S
267,0,3,"Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid",male,16,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
268,1,3,"Persson, Mr. Ernst Ulrik",male,25,1,0,347083,7.775,,S
269,1,1,"Graham, Mrs. William Thompson (Edith Junkins)",female,58,0,1,PC 17582,153.4625,C125,S
270,1,1,"Bissette, Miss. Amelia",female,35,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,C99,S
271,0,1,"Cairns, Mr. Alexander",male,,0,0,113798,31,,S
272,1,3,"Tornquist, Mr. William Henry",male,25,0,0,LINE,0,,S
273,1,2,"Mellinger, Mrs. (Elizabeth Anne Maidment)",female,41,0,1,250644,19.5,,S
274,0,1,"Natsch, Mr. Charles H",male,37,0,1,PC 17596,29.7,C118,C
275,1,3,"Healy, Miss. Hanora ""Nora""",female,,0,0,370375,7.75,,Q
276,1,1,"Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodosia",female,63,1,0,13502,77.9583,D7,S
277,0,3,"Lindblom, Miss. Augusta Charlotta",female,45,0,0,347073,7.75,,S
278,0,2,"Parkes, Mr. Francis ""Frank""",male,,0,0,239853,0,,S
279,0,3,"Rice, Master. Eric",male,7,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
280,1,3,"Abbott, Mrs. Stanton (Rosa Hunt)",female,35,1,1,C.A. 2673,20.25,,S
281,0,3,"Duane, Mr. Frank",male,65,0,0,336439,7.75,,Q
282,0,3,"Olsson, Mr. Nils Johan Goransson",male,28,0,0,347464,7.8542,,S
283,0,3,"de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons",male,16,0,0,345778,9.5,,S
284,1,3,"Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur",male,19,0,0,A/5. 10482,8.05,,S
285,0,1,"Smith, Mr. Richard William",male,,0,0,113056,26,A19,S
286,0,3,"Stankovic, Mr. Ivan",male,33,0,0,349239,8.6625,,C
287,1,3,"de Mulder, Mr. Theodore",male,30,0,0,345774,9.5,,S
288,0,3,"Naidenoff, Mr. Penko",male,22,0,0,349206,7.8958,,S
289,1,2,"Hosono, Mr. Masabumi",male,42,0,0,237798,13,,S
290,1,3,"Connolly, Miss. Kate",female,22,0,0,370373,7.75,,Q
291,1,1,"Barber, Miss. Ellen ""Nellie""",female,26,0,0,19877,78.85,,S
292,1,1,"Bishop, Mrs. Dickinson H (Helen Walton)",female,19,1,0,11967,91.0792,B49,C
293,0,2,"Levy, Mr. Rene Jacques",male,36,0,0,SC/Paris 2163,12.875,D,C
294,0,3,"Haas, Miss. Aloisia",female,24,0,0,349236,8.85,,S
295,0,3,"Mineff, Mr. Ivan",male,24,0,0,349233,7.8958,,S
296,0,1,"Lewy, Mr. Ervin G",male,,0,0,PC 17612,27.7208,,C
297,0,3,"Hanna, Mr. Mansour",male,23.5,0,0,2693,7.2292,,C
298,0,1,"Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine",female,2,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
299,1,1,"Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe",male,,0,0,19988,30.5,C106,S
300,1,1,"Baxter, Mrs. James (Helene DeLaudeniere Chaput)",female,50,0,1,PC 17558,247.5208,B58 B60,C
301,1,3,"Kelly, Miss. Anna Katherine ""Annie Kate""",female,,0,0,9234,7.75,,Q
302,1,3,"McCoy, Mr. Bernard",male,,2,0,367226,23.25,,Q
303,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr",male,19,0,0,LINE,0,,S
304,1,2,"Keane, Miss. Nora A",female,,0,0,226593,12.35,E101,Q
305,0,3,"Williams, Mr. Howard Hugh ""Harry""",male,,0,0,A/5 2466,8.05,,S
306,1,1,"Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor",male,0.92,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
307,1,1,"Fleming, Miss. Margaret",female,,0,0,17421,110.8833,,C
308,1,1,"Penasco y Castellana, Mrs. Victor de Satode (Maria Josefa Perez de Soto y Vallejo)",female,17,1,0,PC 17758,108.9,C65,C
309,0,2,"Abelson, Mr. Samuel",male,30,1,0,P/PP 3381,24,,C
310,1,1,"Francatelli, Miss. Laura Mabel",female,30,0,0,PC 17485,56.9292,E36,C
311,1,1,"Hays, Miss. Margaret Bechstein",female,24,0,0,11767,83.1583,C54,C
312,1,1,"Ryerson, Miss. Emily Borie",female,18,2,2,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
313,0,2,"Lahtinen, Mrs. William (Anna Sylfven)",female,26,1,1,250651,26,,S
314,0,3,"Hendekovic, Mr. Ignjac",male,28,0,0,349243,7.8958,,S
315,0,2,"Hart, Mr. Benjamin",male,43,1,1,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
316,1,3,"Nilsson, Miss. Helmina Josefina",female,26,0,0,347470,7.8542,,S
317,1,2,"Kantor, Mrs. Sinai (Miriam Sternin)",female,24,1,0,244367,26,,S
318,0,2,"Moraweck, Dr. Ernest",male,54,0,0,29011,14,,S
319,1,1,"Wick, Miss. Mary Natalie",female,31,0,2,36928,164.8667,C7,S
320,1,1,"Spedden, Mrs. Frederic Oakley (Margaretta Corning Stone)",female,40,1,1,16966,134.5,E34,C
321,0,3,"Dennis, Mr. Samuel",male,22,0,0,A/5 21172,7.25,,S
322,0,3,"Danoff, Mr. Yoto",male,27,0,0,349219,7.8958,,S
323,1,2,"Slayter, Miss. Hilda Mary",female,30,0,0,234818,12.35,,Q
324,1,2,"Caldwell, Mrs. Albert Francis (Sylvia Mae Harbaugh)",female,22,1,1,248738,29,,S
325,0,3,"Sage, Mr. George John Jr",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
326,1,1,"Young, Miss. Marie Grice",female,36,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,C32,C
327,0,3,"Nysveen, Mr. Johan Hansen",male,61,0,0,345364,6.2375,,S
328,1,2,"Ball, Mrs. (Ada E Hall)",female,36,0,0,28551,13,D,S
329,1,3,"Goldsmith, Mrs. Frank John (Emily Alice Brown)",female,31,1,1,363291,20.525,,S
330,1,1,"Hippach, Miss. Jean Gertrude",female,16,0,1,111361,57.9792,B18,C
331,1,3,"McCoy, Miss. Agnes",female,,2,0,367226,23.25,,Q
332,0,1,"Partner, Mr. Austen",male,45.5,0,0,113043,28.5,C124,S
333,0,1,"Graham, Mr. George Edward",male,38,0,1,PC 17582,153.4625,C91,S
334,0,3,"Vander Planke, Mr. Leo Edmondus",male,16,2,0,345764,18,,S
335,1,1,"Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry William (Clara Heinsheimer)",female,,1,0,PC 17611,133.65,,S
336,0,3,"Denkoff, Mr. Mitto",male,,0,0,349225,7.8958,,S
337,0,1,"Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton",male,29,1,0,113776,66.6,C2,S
338,1,1,"Burns, Miss. Elizabeth Margaret",female,41,0,0,16966,134.5,E40,C
339,1,3,"Dahl, Mr. Karl Edwart",male,45,0,0,7598,8.05,,S
340,0,1,"Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart",male,45,0,0,113784,35.5,T,S
341,1,2,"Navratil, Master. Edmond Roger",male,2,1,1,230080,26,F2,S
342,1,1,"Fortune, Miss. Alice Elizabeth",female,24,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
343,0,2,"Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf",male,28,0,0,248740,13,,S
344,0,2,"Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick Waddington",male,25,0,0,244361,13,,S
345,0,2,"Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert",male,36,0,0,229236,13,,S
346,1,2,"Brown, Miss. Amelia ""Mildred""",female,24,0,0,248733,13,F33,S
347,1,2,"Smith, Miss. Marion Elsie",female,40,0,0,31418,13,,S
348,1,3,"Davison, Mrs. Thomas Henry (Mary E Finck)",female,,1,0,386525,16.1,,S
349,1,3,"Coutts, Master. William Loch ""William""",male,3,1,1,C.A. 37671,15.9,,S
350,0,3,"Dimic, Mr. Jovan",male,42,0,0,315088,8.6625,,S
351,0,3,"Odahl, Mr. Nils Martin",male,23,0,0,7267,9.225,,S
352,0,1,"Williams-Lambert, Mr. Fletcher Fellows",male,,0,0,113510,35,C128,S
353,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Tannous",male,15,1,1,2695,7.2292,,C
354,0,3,"Arnold-Franchi, Mr. Josef",male,25,1,0,349237,17.8,,S
355,0,3,"Yousif, Mr. Wazli",male,,0,0,2647,7.225,,C
356,0,3,"Vanden Steen, Mr. Leo Peter",male,28,0,0,345783,9.5,,S
357,1,1,"Bowerman, Miss. Elsie Edith",female,22,0,1,113505,55,E33,S
358,0,2,"Funk, Miss. Annie Clemmer",female,38,0,0,237671,13,,S
359,1,3,"McGovern, Miss. Mary",female,,0,0,330931,7.8792,,Q
360,1,3,"Mockler, Miss. Helen Mary ""Ellie""",female,,0,0,330980,7.8792,,Q
361,0,3,"Skoog, Mr. Wilhelm",male,40,1,4,347088,27.9,,S
362,0,2,"del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano",male,29,1,0,SC/PARIS 2167,27.7208,,C
363,0,3,"Barbara, Mrs. (Catherine David)",female,45,0,1,2691,14.4542,,C
364,0,3,"Asim, Mr. Adola",male,35,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101310,7.05,,S
365,0,3,"O'Brien, Mr. Thomas",male,,1,0,370365,15.5,,Q
366,0,3,"Adahl, Mr. Mauritz Nils Martin",male,30,0,0,C 7076,7.25,,S
367,1,1,"Warren, Mrs. Frank Manley (Anna Sophia Atkinson)",female,60,1,0,110813,75.25,D37,C
368,1,3,"Moussa, Mrs. (Mantoura Boulos)",female,,0,0,2626,7.2292,,C
369,1,3,"Jermyn, Miss. Annie",female,,0,0,14313,7.75,,Q
370,1,1,"Aubart, Mme. Leontine Pauline",female,24,0,0,PC 17477,69.3,B35,C
371,1,1,"Harder, Mr. George Achilles",male,25,1,0,11765,55.4417,E50,C
372,0,3,"Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred",male,18,1,0,3101267,6.4958,,S
373,0,3,"Beavan, Mr. William Thomas",male,19,0,0,323951,8.05,,S
374,0,1,"Ringhini, Mr. Sante",male,22,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,,C
375,0,3,"Palsson, Miss. Stina Viola",female,3,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
376,1,1,"Meyer, Mrs. Edgar Joseph (Leila Saks)",female,,1,0,PC 17604,82.1708,,C
377,1,3,"Landergren, Miss. Aurora Adelia",female,22,0,0,C 7077,7.25,,S
378,0,1,"Widener, Mr. Harry Elkins",male,27,0,2,113503,211.5,C82,C
379,0,3,"Betros, Mr. Tannous",male,20,0,0,2648,4.0125,,C
380,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon",male,19,0,0,347069,7.775,,S
381,1,1,"Bidois, Miss. Rosalie",female,42,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,,C
382,1,3,"Nakid, Miss. Maria (""Mary"")",female,1,0,2,2653,15.7417,,C
383,0,3,"Tikkanen, Mr. Juho",male,32,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101293,7.925,,S
384,1,1,"Holverson, Mrs. Alexander Oskar (Mary Aline Towner)",female,35,1,0,113789,52,,S
385,0,3,"Plotcharsky, Mr. Vasil",male,,0,0,349227,7.8958,,S
386,0,2,"Davies, Mr. Charles Henry",male,18,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
387,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. Sidney Leonard",male,1,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
388,1,2,"Buss, Miss. Kate",female,36,0,0,27849,13,,S
389,0,3,"Sadlier, Mr. Matthew",male,,0,0,367655,7.7292,,Q
390,1,2,"Lehmann, Miss. Bertha",female,17,0,0,SC 1748,12,,C
391,1,1,"Carter, Mr. William Ernest",male,36,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
392,1,3,"Jansson, Mr. Carl Olof",male,21,0,0,350034,7.7958,,S
393,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Johan Birger",male,28,2,0,3101277,7.925,,S
394,1,1,"Newell, Miss. Marjorie",female,23,1,0,35273,113.275,D36,C
395,1,3,"Sandstrom, Mrs. Hjalmar (Agnes Charlotta Bengtsson)",female,24,0,2,PP 9549,16.7,G6,S
396,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Erik",male,22,0,0,350052,7.7958,,S
397,0,3,"Olsson, Miss. Elina",female,31,0,0,350407,7.8542,,S
398,0,2,"McKane, Mr. Peter David",male,46,0,0,28403,26,,S
399,0,2,"Pain, Dr. Alfred",male,23,0,0,244278,10.5,,S
400,1,2,"Trout, Mrs. William H (Jessie L)",female,28,0,0,240929,12.65,,S
401,1,3,"Niskanen, Mr. Juha",male,39,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101289,7.925,,S
402,0,3,"Adams, Mr. John",male,26,0,0,341826,8.05,,S
403,0,3,"Jussila, Miss. Mari Aina",female,21,1,0,4137,9.825,,S
404,0,3,"Hakkarainen, Mr. Pekka Pietari",male,28,1,0,STON/O2. 3101279,15.85,,S
405,0,3,"Oreskovic, Miss. Marija",female,20,0,0,315096,8.6625,,S
406,0,2,"Gale, Mr. Shadrach",male,34,1,0,28664,21,,S
407,0,3,"Widegren, Mr. Carl/Charles Peter",male,51,0,0,347064,7.75,,S
408,1,2,"Richards, Master. William Rowe",male,3,1,1,29106,18.75,,S
409,0,3,"Birkeland, Mr. Hans Martin Monsen",male,21,0,0,312992,7.775,,S
410,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Ida",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
411,0,3,"Sdycoff, Mr. Todor",male,,0,0,349222,7.8958,,S
412,0,3,"Hart, Mr. Henry",male,,0,0,394140,6.8583,,Q
413,1,1,"Minahan, Miss. Daisy E",female,33,1,0,19928,90,C78,Q
414,0,2,"Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming",male,,0,0,239853,0,,S
415,1,3,"Sundman, Mr. Johan Julian",male,44,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101269,7.925,,S
416,0,3,"Meek, Mrs. Thomas (Annie Louise Rowley)",female,,0,0,343095,8.05,,S
417,1,2,"Drew, Mrs. James Vivian (Lulu Thorne Christian)",female,34,1,1,28220,32.5,,S
418,1,2,"Silven, Miss. Lyyli Karoliina",female,18,0,2,250652,13,,S
419,0,2,"Matthews, Mr. William John",male,30,0,0,28228,13,,S
420,0,3,"Van Impe, Miss. Catharina",female,10,0,2,345773,24.15,,S
421,0,3,"Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio",male,,0,0,349254,7.8958,,C
422,0,3,"Charters, Mr. David",male,21,0,0,A/5. 13032,7.7333,,Q
423,0,3,"Zimmerman, Mr. Leo",male,29,0,0,315082,7.875,,S
424,0,3,"Danbom, Mrs. Ernst Gilbert (Anna Sigrid Maria Brogren)",female,28,1,1,347080,14.4,,S
425,0,3,"Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Richard",male,18,1,1,370129,20.2125,,S
426,0,3,"Wiseman, Mr. Phillippe",male,,0,0,A/4. 34244,7.25,,S
427,1,2,"Clarke, Mrs. Charles V (Ada Maria Winfield)",female,28,1,0,2003,26,,S
428,1,2,"Phillips, Miss. Kate Florence (""Mrs Kate Louise Phillips Marshall"")",female,19,0,0,250655,26,,S
429,0,3,"Flynn, Mr. James",male,,0,0,364851,7.75,,Q
430,1,3,"Pickard, Mr. Berk (Berk Trembisky)",male,32,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 392078,8.05,E10,S
431,1,1,"Bjornstrom-Steffansson, Mr. Mauritz Hakan",male,28,0,0,110564,26.55,C52,S
432,1,3,"Thorneycroft, Mrs. Percival (Florence Kate White)",female,,1,0,376564,16.1,,S
433,1,2,"Louch, Mrs. Charles Alexander (Alice Adelaide Slow)",female,42,1,0,SC/AH 3085,26,,S
434,0,3,"Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erland",male,17,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101274,7.125,,S
435,0,1,"Silvey, Mr. William Baird",male,50,1,0,13507,55.9,E44,S
436,1,1,"Carter, Miss. Lucile Polk",female,14,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
437,0,3,"Ford, Miss. Doolina Margaret ""Daisy""",female,21,2,2,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
438,1,2,"Richards, Mrs. Sidney (Emily Hocking)",female,24,2,3,29106,18.75,,S
439,0,1,"Fortune, Mr. Mark",male,64,1,4,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
440,0,2,"Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson",male,31,0,0,C.A. 18723,10.5,,S
441,1,2,"Hart, Mrs. Benjamin (Esther Ada Bloomfield)",female,45,1,1,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
442,0,3,"Hampe, Mr. Leon",male,20,0,0,345769,9.5,,S
443,0,3,"Petterson, Mr. Johan Emil",male,25,1,0,347076,7.775,,S
444,1,2,"Reynaldo, Ms. Encarnacion",female,28,0,0,230434,13,,S
445,1,3,"Johannesen-Bratthammer, Mr. Bernt",male,,0,0,65306,8.1125,,S
446,1,1,"Dodge, Master. Washington",male,4,0,2,33638,81.8583,A34,S
447,1,2,"Mellinger, Miss. Madeleine Violet",female,13,0,1,250644,19.5,,S
448,1,1,"Seward, Mr. Frederic Kimber",male,34,0,0,113794,26.55,,S
449,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Marie Catherine",female,5,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
450,1,1,"Peuchen, Major. Arthur Godfrey",male,52,0,0,113786,30.5,C104,S
451,0,2,"West, Mr. Edwy Arthur",male,36,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
452,0,3,"Hagland, Mr. Ingvald Olai Olsen",male,,1,0,65303,19.9667,,S
453,0,1,"Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall",male,30,0,0,113051,27.75,C111,C
454,1,1,"Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L",male,49,1,0,17453,89.1042,C92,C
455,0,3,"Peduzzi, Mr. Joseph",male,,0,0,A/5 2817,8.05,,S
456,1,3,"Jalsevac, Mr. Ivan",male,29,0,0,349240,7.8958,,C
457,0,1,"Millet, Mr. Francis Davis",male,65,0,0,13509,26.55,E38,S
458,1,1,"Kenyon, Mrs. Frederick R (Marion)",female,,1,0,17464,51.8625,D21,S
459,1,2,"Toomey, Miss. Ellen",female,50,0,0,F.C.C. 13531,10.5,,S
460,0,3,"O'Connor, Mr. Maurice",male,,0,0,371060,7.75,,Q
461,1,1,"Anderson, Mr. Harry",male,48,0,0,19952,26.55,E12,S
462,0,3,"Morley, Mr. William",male,34,0,0,364506,8.05,,S
463,0,1,"Gee, Mr. Arthur H",male,47,0,0,111320,38.5,E63,S
464,0,2,"Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian",male,48,0,0,234360,13,,S
465,0,3,"Maisner, Mr. Simon",male,,0,0,A/S 2816,8.05,,S
466,0,3,"Goncalves, Mr. Manuel Estanslas",male,38,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101306,7.05,,S
467,0,2,"Campbell, Mr. William",male,,0,0,239853,0,,S
468,0,1,"Smart, Mr. John Montgomery",male,56,0,0,113792,26.55,,S
469,0,3,"Scanlan, Mr. James",male,,0,0,36209,7.725,,Q
470,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Helene Barbara",female,0.75,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
471,0,3,"Keefe, Mr. Arthur",male,,0,0,323592,7.25,,S
472,0,3,"Cacic, Mr. Luka",male,38,0,0,315089,8.6625,,S
473,1,2,"West, Mrs. Edwy Arthur (Ada Mary Worth)",female,33,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
474,1,2,"Jerwan, Mrs. Amin S (Marie Marthe Thuillard)",female,23,0,0,SC/AH Basle 541,13.7917,D,C
475,0,3,"Strandberg, Miss. Ida Sofia",female,22,0,0,7553,9.8375,,S
476,0,1,"Clifford, Mr. George Quincy",male,,0,0,110465,52,A14,S
477,0,2,"Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry",male,34,1,0,31027,21,,S
478,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Lewis Richard",male,29,1,0,3460,7.0458,,S
479,0,3,"Karlsson, Mr. Nils August",male,22,0,0,350060,7.5208,,S
480,1,3,"Hirvonen, Miss. Hildur E",female,2,0,1,3101298,12.2875,,S
481,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. Harold Victor",male,9,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
482,0,2,"Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood ""Archie""",male,,0,0,239854,0,,S
483,0,3,"Rouse, Mr. Richard Henry",male,50,0,0,A/5 3594,8.05,,S
484,1,3,"Turkula, Mrs. (Hedwig)",female,63,0,0,4134,9.5875,,S
485,1,1,"Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H",male,25,1,0,11967,91.0792,B49,C
486,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Jeannie",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
487,1,1,"Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick Maxfield (Jane Anne Forby)",female,35,1,0,19943,90,C93,S
488,0,1,"Kent, Mr. Edward Austin",male,58,0,0,11771,29.7,B37,C
489,0,3,"Somerton, Mr. Francis William",male,30,0,0,A.5. 18509,8.05,,S
490,1,3,"Coutts, Master. Eden Leslie ""Neville""",male,9,1,1,C.A. 37671,15.9,,S
491,0,3,"Hagland, Mr. Konrad Mathias Reiersen",male,,1,0,65304,19.9667,,S
492,0,3,"Windelov, Mr. Einar",male,21,0,0,SOTON/OQ 3101317,7.25,,S
493,0,1,"Molson, Mr. Harry Markland",male,55,0,0,113787,30.5,C30,S
494,0,1,"Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon",male,71,0,0,PC 17609,49.5042,,C
495,0,3,"Stanley, Mr. Edward Roland",male,21,0,0,A/4 45380,8.05,,S
496,0,3,"Yousseff, Mr. Gerious",male,,0,0,2627,14.4583,,C
497,1,1,"Eustis, Miss. Elizabeth Mussey",female,54,1,0,36947,78.2667,D20,C
498,0,3,"Shellard, Mr. Frederick William",male,,0,0,C.A. 6212,15.1,,S
499,0,1,"Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels)",female,25,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
500,0,3,"Svensson, Mr. Olof",male,24,0,0,350035,7.7958,,S
501,0,3,"Calic, Mr. Petar",male,17,0,0,315086,8.6625,,S
502,0,3,"Canavan, Miss. Mary",female,21,0,0,364846,7.75,,Q
503,0,3,"O'Sullivan, Miss. Bridget Mary",female,,0,0,330909,7.6292,,Q
504,0,3,"Laitinen, Miss. Kristina Sofia",female,37,0,0,4135,9.5875,,S
505,1,1,"Maioni, Miss. Roberta",female,16,0,0,110152,86.5,B79,S
506,0,1,"Penasco y Castellana, Mr. Victor de Satode",male,18,1,0,PC 17758,108.9,C65,C
507,1,2,"Quick, Mrs. Frederick Charles (Jane Richards)",female,33,0,2,26360,26,,S
508,1,1,"Bradley, Mr. George (""George Arthur Brayton"")",male,,0,0,111427,26.55,,S
509,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Henry Margido",male,28,0,0,C 4001,22.525,,S
510,1,3,"Lang, Mr. Fang",male,26,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
511,1,3,"Daly, Mr. Eugene Patrick",male,29,0,0,382651,7.75,,Q
512,0,3,"Webber, Mr. James",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 3101316,8.05,,S
513,1,1,"McGough, Mr. James Robert",male,36,0,0,PC 17473,26.2875,E25,S
514,1,1,"Rothschild, Mrs. Martin (Elizabeth L. Barrett)",female,54,1,0,PC 17603,59.4,,C
515,0,3,"Coleff, Mr. Satio",male,24,0,0,349209,7.4958,,S
516,0,1,"Walker, Mr. William Anderson",male,47,0,0,36967,34.0208,D46,S
517,1,2,"Lemore, Mrs. (Amelia Milley)",female,34,0,0,C.A. 34260,10.5,F33,S
518,0,3,"Ryan, Mr. Patrick",male,,0,0,371110,24.15,,Q
519,1,2,"Angle, Mrs. William A (Florence ""Mary"" Agnes Hughes)",female,36,1,0,226875,26,,S
520,0,3,"Pavlovic, Mr. Stefo",male,32,0,0,349242,7.8958,,S
521,1,1,"Perreault, Miss. Anne",female,30,0,0,12749,93.5,B73,S
522,0,3,"Vovk, Mr. Janko",male,22,0,0,349252,7.8958,,S
523,0,3,"Lahoud, Mr. Sarkis",male,,0,0,2624,7.225,,C
524,1,1,"Hippach, Mrs. Louis Albert (Ida Sophia Fischer)",female,44,0,1,111361,57.9792,B18,C
525,0,3,"Kassem, Mr. Fared",male,,0,0,2700,7.2292,,C
526,0,3,"Farrell, Mr. James",male,40.5,0,0,367232,7.75,,Q
527,1,2,"Ridsdale, Miss. Lucy",female,50,0,0,W./C. 14258,10.5,,S
528,0,1,"Farthing, Mr. John",male,,0,0,PC 17483,221.7792,C95,S
529,0,3,"Salonen, Mr. Johan Werner",male,39,0,0,3101296,7.925,,S
530,0,2,"Hocking, Mr. Richard George",male,23,2,1,29104,11.5,,S
531,1,2,"Quick, Miss. Phyllis May",female,2,1,1,26360,26,,S
532,0,3,"Toufik, Mr. Nakli",male,,0,0,2641,7.2292,,C
533,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr",male,17,1,1,2690,7.2292,,C
534,1,3,"Peter, Mrs. Catherine (Catherine Rizk)",female,,0,2,2668,22.3583,,C
535,0,3,"Cacic, Miss. Marija",female,30,0,0,315084,8.6625,,S
536,1,2,"Hart, Miss. Eva Miriam",female,7,0,2,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
537,0,1,"Butt, Major. Archibald Willingham",male,45,0,0,113050,26.55,B38,S
538,1,1,"LeRoy, Miss. Bertha",female,30,0,0,PC 17761,106.425,,C
539,0,3,"Risien, Mr. Samuel Beard",male,,0,0,364498,14.5,,S
540,1,1,"Frolicher, Miss. Hedwig Margaritha",female,22,0,2,13568,49.5,B39,C
541,1,1,"Crosby, Miss. Harriet R",female,36,0,2,WE/P 5735,71,B22,S
542,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ingeborg Constanzia",female,9,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
543,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Sigrid Elisabeth",female,11,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
544,1,2,"Beane, Mr. Edward",male,32,1,0,2908,26,,S
545,0,1,"Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald",male,50,1,0,PC 17761,106.425,C86,C
546,0,1,"Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest",male,64,0,0,693,26,,S
547,1,2,"Beane, Mrs. Edward (Ethel Clarke)",female,19,1,0,2908,26,,S
548,1,2,"Padro y Manent, Mr. Julian",male,,0,0,SC/PARIS 2146,13.8625,,C
549,0,3,"Goldsmith, Mr. Frank John",male,33,1,1,363291,20.525,,S
550,1,2,"Davies, Master. John Morgan Jr",male,8,1,1,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
551,1,1,"Thayer, Mr. John Borland Jr",male,17,0,2,17421,110.8833,C70,C
552,0,2,"Sharp, Mr. Percival James R",male,27,0,0,244358,26,,S
553,0,3,"O'Brien, Mr. Timothy",male,,0,0,330979,7.8292,,Q
554,1,3,"Leeni, Mr. Fahim (""Philip Zenni"")",male,22,0,0,2620,7.225,,C
555,1,3,"Ohman, Miss. Velin",female,22,0,0,347085,7.775,,S
556,0,1,"Wright, Mr. George",male,62,0,0,113807,26.55,,S
557,1,1,"Duff Gordon, Lady. (Lucille Christiana Sutherland) (""Mrs Morgan"")",female,48,1,0,11755,39.6,A16,C
558,0,1,"Robbins, Mr. Victor",male,,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,,C
559,1,1,"Taussig, Mrs. Emil (Tillie Mandelbaum)",female,39,1,1,110413,79.65,E67,S
560,1,3,"de Messemaeker, Mrs. Guillaume Joseph (Emma)",female,36,1,0,345572,17.4,,S
561,0,3,"Morrow, Mr. Thomas Rowan",male,,0,0,372622,7.75,,Q
562,0,3,"Sivic, Mr. Husein",male,40,0,0,349251,7.8958,,S
563,0,2,"Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas",male,28,0,0,218629,13.5,,S
564,0,3,"Simmons, Mr. John",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392082,8.05,,S
565,0,3,"Meanwell, Miss. (Marion Ogden)",female,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 392087,8.05,,S
566,0,3,"Davies, Mr. Alfred J",male,24,2,0,A/4 48871,24.15,,S
567,0,3,"Stoytcheff, Mr. Ilia",male,19,0,0,349205,7.8958,,S
568,0,3,"Palsson, Mrs. Nils (Alma Cornelia Berglund)",female,29,0,4,349909,21.075,,S
569,0,3,"Doharr, Mr. Tannous",male,,0,0,2686,7.2292,,C
570,1,3,"Jonsson, Mr. Carl",male,32,0,0,350417,7.8542,,S
571,1,2,"Harris, Mr. George",male,62,0,0,S.W./PP 752,10.5,,S
572,1,1,"Appleton, Mrs. Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson)",female,53,2,0,11769,51.4792,C101,S
573,1,1,"Flynn, Mr. John Irwin (""Irving"")",male,36,0,0,PC 17474,26.3875,E25,S
574,1,3,"Kelly, Miss. Mary",female,,0,0,14312,7.75,,Q
575,0,3,"Rush, Mr. Alfred George John",male,16,0,0,A/4. 20589,8.05,,S
576,0,3,"Patchett, Mr. George",male,19,0,0,358585,14.5,,S
577,1,2,"Garside, Miss. Ethel",female,34,0,0,243880,13,,S
578,1,1,"Silvey, Mrs. William Baird (Alice Munger)",female,39,1,0,13507,55.9,E44,S
579,0,3,"Caram, Mrs. Joseph (Maria Elias)",female,,1,0,2689,14.4583,,C
580,1,3,"Jussila, Mr. Eiriik",male,32,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101286,7.925,,S
581,1,2,"Christy, Miss. Julie Rachel",female,25,1,1,237789,30,,S
582,1,1,"Thayer, Mrs. John Borland (Marian Longstreth Morris)",female,39,1,1,17421,110.8833,C68,C
583,0,2,"Downton, Mr. William James",male,54,0,0,28403,26,,S
584,0,1,"Ross, Mr. John Hugo",male,36,0,0,13049,40.125,A10,C
585,0,3,"Paulner, Mr. Uscher",male,,0,0,3411,8.7125,,C
586,1,1,"Taussig, Miss. Ruth",female,18,0,2,110413,79.65,E68,S
587,0,2,"Jarvis, Mr. John Denzil",male,47,0,0,237565,15,,S
588,1,1,"Frolicher-Stehli, Mr. Maxmillian",male,60,1,1,13567,79.2,B41,C
589,0,3,"Gilinski, Mr. Eliezer",male,22,0,0,14973,8.05,,S
590,0,3,"Murdlin, Mr. Joseph",male,,0,0,A./5. 3235,8.05,,S
591,0,3,"Rintamaki, Mr. Matti",male,35,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101273,7.125,,S
592,1,1,"Stephenson, Mrs. Walter Bertram (Martha Eustis)",female,52,1,0,36947,78.2667,D20,C
593,0,3,"Elsbury, Mr. William James",male,47,0,0,A/5 3902,7.25,,S
594,0,3,"Bourke, Miss. Mary",female,,0,2,364848,7.75,,Q
595,0,2,"Chapman, Mr. John Henry",male,37,1,0,SC/AH 29037,26,,S
596,0,3,"Van Impe, Mr. Jean Baptiste",male,36,1,1,345773,24.15,,S
597,1,2,"Leitch, Miss. Jessie Wills",female,,0,0,248727,33,,S
598,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. Alfred",male,49,0,0,LINE,0,,S
599,0,3,"Boulos, Mr. Hanna",male,,0,0,2664,7.225,,C
600,1,1,"Duff Gordon, Sir. Cosmo Edmund (""Mr Morgan"")",male,49,1,0,PC 17485,56.9292,A20,C
601,1,2,"Jacobsohn, Mrs. Sidney Samuel (Amy Frances Christy)",female,24,2,1,243847,27,,S
602,0,3,"Slabenoff, Mr. Petco",male,,0,0,349214,7.8958,,S
603,0,1,"Harrington, Mr. Charles H",male,,0,0,113796,42.4,,S
604,0,3,"Torber, Mr. Ernst William",male,44,0,0,364511,8.05,,S
605,1,1,"Homer, Mr. Harry (""Mr E Haven"")",male,35,0,0,111426,26.55,,C
606,0,3,"Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson",male,36,1,0,349910,15.55,,S
607,0,3,"Karaic, Mr. Milan",male,30,0,0,349246,7.8958,,S
608,1,1,"Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams",male,27,0,0,113804,30.5,,S
609,1,2,"Laroche, Mrs. Joseph (Juliette Marie Louise Lafargue)",female,22,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
610,1,1,"Shutes, Miss. Elizabeth W",female,40,0,0,PC 17582,153.4625,C125,S
611,0,3,"Andersson, Mrs. Anders Johan (Alfrida Konstantia Brogren)",female,39,1,5,347082,31.275,,S
612,0,3,"Jardin, Mr. Jose Neto",male,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101305,7.05,,S
613,1,3,"Murphy, Miss. Margaret Jane",female,,1,0,367230,15.5,,Q
614,0,3,"Horgan, Mr. John",male,,0,0,370377,7.75,,Q
615,0,3,"Brocklebank, Mr. William Alfred",male,35,0,0,364512,8.05,,S
616,1,2,"Herman, Miss. Alice",female,24,1,2,220845,65,,S
617,0,3,"Danbom, Mr. Ernst Gilbert",male,34,1,1,347080,14.4,,S
618,0,3,"Lobb, Mrs. William Arthur (Cordelia K Stanlick)",female,26,1,0,A/5. 3336,16.1,,S
619,1,2,"Becker, Miss. Marion Louise",female,4,2,1,230136,39,F4,S
620,0,2,"Gavey, Mr. Lawrence",male,26,0,0,31028,10.5,,S
621,0,3,"Yasbeck, Mr. Antoni",male,27,1,0,2659,14.4542,,C
622,1,1,"Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr",male,42,1,0,11753,52.5542,D19,S
623,1,3,"Nakid, Mr. Sahid",male,20,1,1,2653,15.7417,,C
624,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Henry Damsgaard",male,21,0,0,350029,7.8542,,S
625,0,3,"Bowen, Mr. David John ""Dai""",male,21,0,0,54636,16.1,,S
626,0,1,"Sutton, Mr. Frederick",male,61,0,0,36963,32.3208,D50,S
627,0,2,"Kirkland, Rev. Charles Leonard",male,57,0,0,219533,12.35,,Q
628,1,1,"Longley, Miss. Gretchen Fiske",female,21,0,0,13502,77.9583,D9,S
629,0,3,"Bostandyeff, Mr. Guentcho",male,26,0,0,349224,7.8958,,S
630,0,3,"O'Connell, Mr. Patrick D",male,,0,0,334912,7.7333,,Q
631,1,1,"Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson",male,80,0,0,27042,30,A23,S
632,0,3,"Lundahl, Mr. Johan Svensson",male,51,0,0,347743,7.0542,,S
633,1,1,"Stahelin-Maeglin, Dr. Max",male,32,0,0,13214,30.5,B50,C
634,0,1,"Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh",male,,0,0,112052,0,,S
635,0,3,"Skoog, Miss. Mabel",female,9,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
636,1,2,"Davis, Miss. Mary",female,28,0,0,237668,13,,S
637,0,3,"Leinonen, Mr. Antti Gustaf",male,32,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101292,7.925,,S
638,0,2,"Collyer, Mr. Harvey",male,31,1,1,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
639,0,3,"Panula, Mrs. Juha (Maria Emilia Ojala)",female,41,0,5,3101295,39.6875,,S
640,0,3,"Thorneycroft, Mr. Percival",male,,1,0,376564,16.1,,S
641,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Hans Peder",male,20,0,0,350050,7.8542,,S
642,1,1,"Sagesser, Mlle. Emma",female,24,0,0,PC 17477,69.3,B35,C
643,0,3,"Skoog, Miss. Margit Elizabeth",female,2,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
644,1,3,"Foo, Mr. Choong",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
645,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Eugenie",female,0.75,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
646,1,1,"Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper",male,48,1,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D33,C
647,0,3,"Cor, Mr. Liudevit",male,19,0,0,349231,7.8958,,S
648,1,1,"Simonius-Blumer, Col. Oberst Alfons",male,56,0,0,13213,35.5,A26,C
649,0,3,"Willey, Mr. Edward",male,,0,0,S.O./P.P. 751,7.55,,S
650,1,3,"Stanley, Miss. Amy Zillah Elsie",female,23,0,0,CA. 2314,7.55,,S
651,0,3,"Mitkoff, Mr. Mito",male,,0,0,349221,7.8958,,S
652,1,2,"Doling, Miss. Elsie",female,18,0,1,231919,23,,S
653,0,3,"Kalvik, Mr. Johannes Halvorsen",male,21,0,0,8475,8.4333,,S
654,1,3,"O'Leary, Miss. Hanora ""Norah""",female,,0,0,330919,7.8292,,Q
655,0,3,"Hegarty, Miss. Hanora ""Nora""",female,18,0,0,365226,6.75,,Q
656,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark",male,24,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
657,0,3,"Radeff, Mr. Alexander",male,,0,0,349223,7.8958,,S
658,0,3,"Bourke, Mrs. John (Catherine)",female,32,1,1,364849,15.5,,Q
659,0,2,"Eitemiller, Mr. George Floyd",male,23,0,0,29751,13,,S
660,0,1,"Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster",male,58,0,2,35273,113.275,D48,C
661,1,1,"Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William",male,50,2,0,PC 17611,133.65,,S
662,0,3,"Badt, Mr. Mohamed",male,40,0,0,2623,7.225,,C
663,0,1,"Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy",male,47,0,0,5727,25.5875,E58,S
664,0,3,"Coleff, Mr. Peju",male,36,0,0,349210,7.4958,,S
665,1,3,"Lindqvist, Mr. Eino William",male,20,1,0,STON/O 2. 3101285,7.925,,S
666,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Lewis",male,32,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
667,0,2,"Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton",male,25,0,0,234686,13,,S
668,0,3,"Rommetvedt, Mr. Knud Paust",male,,0,0,312993,7.775,,S
669,0,3,"Cook, Mr. Jacob",male,43,0,0,A/5 3536,8.05,,S
670,1,1,"Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Zebley (Juliet Cummins Wright)",female,,1,0,19996,52,C126,S
671,1,2,"Brown, Mrs. Thomas William Solomon (Elizabeth Catherine Ford)",female,40,1,1,29750,39,,S
672,0,1,"Davidson, Mr. Thornton",male,31,1,0,F.C. 12750,52,B71,S
673,0,2,"Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael",male,70,0,0,C.A. 24580,10.5,,S
674,1,2,"Wilhelms, Mr. Charles",male,31,0,0,244270,13,,S
675,0,2,"Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings",male,,0,0,239856,0,,S
676,0,3,"Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar",male,18,0,0,349912,7.775,,S
677,0,3,"Sawyer, Mr. Frederick Charles",male,24.5,0,0,342826,8.05,,S
678,1,3,"Turja, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,18,0,0,4138,9.8417,,S
679,0,3,"Goodwin, Mrs. Frederick (Augusta Tyler)",female,43,1,6,CA 2144,46.9,,S
680,1,1,"Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Martinez",male,36,0,1,PC 17755,512.3292,B51 B53 B55,C
681,0,3,"Peters, Miss. Katie",female,,0,0,330935,8.1375,,Q
682,1,1,"Hassab, Mr. Hammad",male,27,0,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D49,C
683,0,3,"Olsvigen, Mr. Thor Anderson",male,20,0,0,6563,9.225,,S
684,0,3,"Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward",male,14,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
685,0,2,"Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solomon",male,60,1,1,29750,39,,S
686,0,2,"Laroche, Mr. Joseph Philippe Lemercier",male,25,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
687,0,3,"Panula, Mr. Jaako Arnold",male,14,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
688,0,3,"Dakic, Mr. Branko",male,19,0,0,349228,10.1708,,S
689,0,3,"Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander",male,18,0,0,350036,7.7958,,S
690,1,1,"Madill, Miss. Georgette Alexandra",female,15,0,1,24160,211.3375,B5,S
691,1,1,"Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian",male,31,1,0,17474,57,B20,S
692,1,3,"Karun, Miss. Manca",female,4,0,1,349256,13.4167,,C
693,1,3,"Lam, Mr. Ali",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
694,0,3,"Saad, Mr. Khalil",male,25,0,0,2672,7.225,,C
695,0,1,"Weir, Col. John",male,60,0,0,113800,26.55,,S
696,0,2,"Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry",male,52,0,0,248731,13.5,,S
697,0,3,"Kelly, Mr. James",male,44,0,0,363592,8.05,,S
698,1,3,"Mullens, Miss. Katherine ""Katie""",female,,0,0,35852,7.7333,,Q
699,0,1,"Thayer, Mr. John Borland",male,49,1,1,17421,110.8833,C68,C
700,0,3,"Humblen, Mr. Adolf Mathias Nicolai Olsen",male,42,0,0,348121,7.65,F G63,S
701,1,1,"Astor, Mrs. John Jacob (Madeleine Talmadge Force)",female,18,1,0,PC 17757,227.525,C62 C64,C
702,1,1,"Silverthorne, Mr. Spencer Victor",male,35,0,0,PC 17475,26.2875,E24,S
703,0,3,"Barbara, Miss. Saiide",female,18,0,1,2691,14.4542,,C
704,0,3,"Gallagher, Mr. Martin",male,25,0,0,36864,7.7417,,Q
705,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Henrik Juul",male,26,1,0,350025,7.8542,,S
706,0,2,"Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (""Mr Henry Marshall"")",male,39,0,0,250655,26,,S
707,1,2,"Kelly, Mrs. Florence ""Fannie""",female,45,0,0,223596,13.5,,S
708,1,1,"Calderhead, Mr. Edward Pennington",male,42,0,0,PC 17476,26.2875,E24,S
709,1,1,"Cleaver, Miss. Alice",female,22,0,0,113781,151.55,,S
710,1,3,"Moubarek, Master. Halim Gonios (""William George"")",male,,1,1,2661,15.2458,,C
711,1,1,"Mayne, Mlle. Berthe Antonine (""Mrs de Villiers"")",female,24,0,0,PC 17482,49.5042,C90,C
712,0,1,"Klaber, Mr. Herman",male,,0,0,113028,26.55,C124,S
713,1,1,"Taylor, Mr. Elmer Zebley",male,48,1,0,19996,52,C126,S
714,0,3,"Larsson, Mr. August Viktor",male,29,0,0,7545,9.4833,,S
715,0,2,"Greenberg, Mr. Samuel",male,52,0,0,250647,13,,S
716,0,3,"Soholt, Mr. Peter Andreas Lauritz Andersen",male,19,0,0,348124,7.65,F G73,S
717,1,1,"Endres, Miss. Caroline Louise",female,38,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,C45,C
718,1,2,"Troutt, Miss. Edwina Celia ""Winnie""",female,27,0,0,34218,10.5,E101,S
719,0,3,"McEvoy, Mr. Michael",male,,0,0,36568,15.5,,Q
720,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. Malkolm Joackim",male,33,0,0,347062,7.775,,S
721,1,2,"Harper, Miss. Annie Jessie ""Nina""",female,6,0,1,248727,33,,S
722,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz",male,17,1,0,350048,7.0542,,S
723,0,2,"Gillespie, Mr. William Henry",male,34,0,0,12233,13,,S
724,0,2,"Hodges, Mr. Henry Price",male,50,0,0,250643,13,,S
725,1,1,"Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell",male,27,1,0,113806,53.1,E8,S
726,0,3,"Oreskovic, Mr. Luka",male,20,0,0,315094,8.6625,,S
727,1,2,"Renouf, Mrs. Peter Henry (Lillian Jefferys)",female,30,3,0,31027,21,,S
728,1,3,"Mannion, Miss. Margareth",female,,0,0,36866,7.7375,,Q
729,0,2,"Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid",male,25,1,0,236853,26,,S
730,0,3,"Ilmakangas, Miss. Pieta Sofia",female,25,1,0,STON/O2. 3101271,7.925,,S
731,1,1,"Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton",female,29,0,0,24160,211.3375,B5,S
732,0,3,"Hassan, Mr. Houssein G N",male,11,0,0,2699,18.7875,,C
733,0,2,"Knight, Mr. Robert J",male,,0,0,239855,0,,S
734,0,2,"Berriman, Mr. William John",male,23,0,0,28425,13,,S
735,0,2,"Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron",male,23,0,0,233639,13,,S
736,0,3,"Williams, Mr. Leslie",male,28.5,0,0,54636,16.1,,S
737,0,3,"Ford, Mrs. Edward (Margaret Ann Watson)",female,48,1,3,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
738,1,1,"Lesurer, Mr. Gustave J",male,35,0,0,PC 17755,512.3292,B101,C
739,0,3,"Ivanoff, Mr. Kanio",male,,0,0,349201,7.8958,,S
740,0,3,"Nankoff, Mr. Minko",male,,0,0,349218,7.8958,,S
741,1,1,"Hawksford, Mr. Walter James",male,,0,0,16988,30,D45,S
742,0,1,"Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William",male,36,1,0,19877,78.85,C46,S
743,1,1,"Ryerson, Miss. Susan Parker ""Suzette""",female,21,2,2,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
744,0,3,"McNamee, Mr. Neal",male,24,1,0,376566,16.1,,S
745,1,3,"Stranden, Mr. Juho",male,31,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101288,7.925,,S
746,0,1,"Crosby, Capt. Edward Gifford",male,70,1,1,WE/P 5735,71,B22,S
747,0,3,"Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward",male,16,1,1,C.A. 2673,20.25,,S
748,1,2,"Sinkkonen, Miss. Anna",female,30,0,0,250648,13,,S
749,0,1,"Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner",male,19,1,0,113773,53.1,D30,S
750,0,3,"Connaghton, Mr. Michael",male,31,0,0,335097,7.75,,Q
751,1,2,"Wells, Miss. Joan",female,4,1,1,29103,23,,S
752,1,3,"Moor, Master. Meier",male,6,0,1,392096,12.475,E121,S
753,0,3,"Vande Velde, Mr. Johannes Joseph",male,33,0,0,345780,9.5,,S
754,0,3,"Jonkoff, Mr. Lalio",male,23,0,0,349204,7.8958,,S
755,1,2,"Herman, Mrs. Samuel (Jane Laver)",female,48,1,2,220845,65,,S
756,1,2,"Hamalainen, Master. Viljo",male,0.67,1,1,250649,14.5,,S
757,0,3,"Carlsson, Mr. August Sigfrid",male,28,0,0,350042,7.7958,,S
758,0,2,"Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew",male,18,0,0,29108,11.5,,S
759,0,3,"Theobald, Mr. Thomas Leonard",male,34,0,0,363294,8.05,,S
760,1,1,"Rothes, the Countess. of (Lucy Noel Martha Dyer-Edwards)",female,33,0,0,110152,86.5,B77,S
761,0,3,"Garfirth, Mr. John",male,,0,0,358585,14.5,,S
762,0,3,"Nirva, Mr. Iisakki Antino Aijo",male,41,0,0,SOTON/O2 3101272,7.125,,S
763,1,3,"Barah, Mr. Hanna Assi",male,20,0,0,2663,7.2292,,C
764,1,1,"Carter, Mrs. William Ernest (Lucile Polk)",female,36,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
765,0,3,"Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus",male,16,0,0,347074,7.775,,S
766,1,1,"Hogeboom, Mrs. John C (Anna Andrews)",female,51,1,0,13502,77.9583,D11,S
767,0,1,"Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson",male,,0,0,112379,39.6,,C
768,0,3,"Mangan, Miss. Mary",female,30.5,0,0,364850,7.75,,Q
769,0,3,"Moran, Mr. Daniel J",male,,1,0,371110,24.15,,Q
770,0,3,"Gronnestad, Mr. Daniel Danielsen",male,32,0,0,8471,8.3625,,S
771,0,3,"Lievens, Mr. Rene Aime",male,24,0,0,345781,9.5,,S
772,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Niels Peder",male,48,0,0,350047,7.8542,,S
773,0,2,"Mack, Mrs. (Mary)",female,57,0,0,S.O./P.P. 3,10.5,E77,S
774,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Dibo",male,,0,0,2674,7.225,,C
775,1,2,"Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eliza Needs)",female,54,1,3,29105,23,,S
776,0,3,"Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver Malkolm",male,18,0,0,347078,7.75,,S
777,0,3,"Tobin, Mr. Roger",male,,0,0,383121,7.75,F38,Q
778,1,3,"Emanuel, Miss. Virginia Ethel",female,5,0,0,364516,12.475,,S
779,0,3,"Kilgannon, Mr. Thomas J",male,,0,0,36865,7.7375,,Q
780,1,1,"Robert, Mrs. Edward Scott (Elisabeth Walton McMillan)",female,43,0,1,24160,211.3375,B3,S
781,1,3,"Ayoub, Miss. Banoura",female,13,0,0,2687,7.2292,,C
782,1,1,"Dick, Mrs. Albert Adrian (Vera Gillespie)",female,17,1,0,17474,57,B20,S
783,0,1,"Long, Mr. Milton Clyde",male,29,0,0,113501,30,D6,S
784,0,3,"Johnston, Mr. Andrew G",male,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
785,0,3,"Ali, Mr. William",male,25,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101312,7.05,,S
786,0,3,"Harmer, Mr. Abraham (David Lishin)",male,25,0,0,374887,7.25,,S
787,1,3,"Sjoblom, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,18,0,0,3101265,7.4958,,S
788,0,3,"Rice, Master. George Hugh",male,8,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
789,1,3,"Dean, Master. Bertram Vere",male,1,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
790,0,1,"Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin",male,46,0,0,PC 17593,79.2,B82 B84,C
791,0,3,"Keane, Mr. Andrew ""Andy""",male,,0,0,12460,7.75,,Q
792,0,2,"Gaskell, Mr. Alfred",male,16,0,0,239865,26,,S
793,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Stella Anna",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
794,0,1,"Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher",male,,0,0,PC 17600,30.6958,,C
795,0,3,"Dantcheff, Mr. Ristiu",male,25,0,0,349203,7.8958,,S
796,0,2,"Otter, Mr. Richard",male,39,0,0,28213,13,,S
797,1,1,"Leader, Dr. Alice (Farnham)",female,49,0,0,17465,25.9292,D17,S
798,1,3,"Osman, Mrs. Mara",female,31,0,0,349244,8.6833,,S
799,0,3,"Ibrahim Shawah, Mr. Yousseff",male,30,0,0,2685,7.2292,,C
800,0,3,"Van Impe, Mrs. Jean Baptiste (Rosalie Paula Govaert)",female,30,1,1,345773,24.15,,S
801,0,2,"Ponesell, Mr. Martin",male,34,0,0,250647,13,,S
802,1,2,"Collyer, Mrs. Harvey (Charlotte Annie Tate)",female,31,1,1,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
803,1,1,"Carter, Master. William Thornton II",male,11,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
804,1,3,"Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander",male,0.42,0,1,2625,8.5167,,C
805,1,3,"Hedman, Mr. Oskar Arvid",male,27,0,0,347089,6.975,,S
806,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Karl Johan",male,31,0,0,347063,7.775,,S
807,0,1,"Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jr",male,39,0,0,112050,0,A36,S
808,0,3,"Pettersson, Miss. Ellen Natalia",female,18,0,0,347087,7.775,,S
809,0,2,"Meyer, Mr. August",male,39,0,0,248723,13,,S
810,1,1,"Chambers, Mrs. Norman Campbell (Bertha Griggs)",female,33,1,0,113806,53.1,E8,S
811,0,3,"Alexander, Mr. William",male,26,0,0,3474,7.8875,,S
812,0,3,"Lester, Mr. James",male,39,0,0,A/4 48871,24.15,,S
813,0,2,"Slemen, Mr. Richard James",male,35,0,0,28206,10.5,,S
814,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ebba Iris Alfrida",female,6,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
815,0,3,"Tomlin, Mr. Ernest Portage",male,30.5,0,0,364499,8.05,,S
816,0,1,"Fry, Mr. Richard",male,,0,0,112058,0,B102,S
817,0,3,"Heininen, Miss. Wendla Maria",female,23,0,0,STON/O2. 3101290,7.925,,S
818,0,2,"Mallet, Mr. Albert",male,31,1,1,S.C./PARIS 2079,37.0042,,C
819,0,3,"Holm, Mr. John Fredrik Alexander",male,43,0,0,C 7075,6.45,,S
820,0,3,"Skoog, Master. Karl Thorsten",male,10,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
821,1,1,"Hays, Mrs. Charles Melville (Clara Jennings Gregg)",female,52,1,1,12749,93.5,B69,S
822,1,3,"Lulic, Mr. Nikola",male,27,0,0,315098,8.6625,,S
823,0,1,"Reuchlin, Jonkheer. John George",male,38,0,0,19972,0,,S
824,1,3,"Moor, Mrs. (Beila)",female,27,0,1,392096,12.475,E121,S
825,0,3,"Panula, Master. Urho Abraham",male,2,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
826,0,3,"Flynn, Mr. John",male,,0,0,368323,6.95,,Q
827,0,3,"Lam, Mr. Len",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
828,1,2,"Mallet, Master. Andre",male,1,0,2,S.C./PARIS 2079,37.0042,,C
829,1,3,"McCormack, Mr. Thomas Joseph",male,,0,0,367228,7.75,,Q
830,1,1,"Stone, Mrs. George Nelson (Martha Evelyn)",female,62,0,0,113572,80,B28,
831,1,3,"Yasbeck, Mrs. Antoni (Selini Alexander)",female,15,1,0,2659,14.4542,,C
832,1,2,"Richards, Master. George Sibley",male,0.83,1,1,29106,18.75,,S
833,0,3,"Saad, Mr. Amin",male,,0,0,2671,7.2292,,C
834,0,3,"Augustsson, Mr. Albert",male,23,0,0,347468,7.8542,,S
835,0,3,"Allum, Mr. Owen George",male,18,0,0,2223,8.3,,S
836,1,1,"Compton, Miss. Sara Rebecca",female,39,1,1,PC 17756,83.1583,E49,C
837,0,3,"Pasic, Mr. Jakob",male,21,0,0,315097,8.6625,,S
838,0,3,"Sirota, Mr. Maurice",male,,0,0,392092,8.05,,S
839,1,3,"Chip, Mr. Chang",male,32,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
840,1,1,"Marechal, Mr. Pierre",male,,0,0,11774,29.7,C47,C
841,0,3,"Alhomaki, Mr. Ilmari Rudolf",male,20,0,0,SOTON/O2 3101287,7.925,,S
842,0,2,"Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles",male,16,0,0,S.O./P.P. 3,10.5,,S
843,1,1,"Serepeca, Miss. Augusta",female,30,0,0,113798,31,,C
844,0,3,"Lemberopolous, Mr. Peter L",male,34.5,0,0,2683,6.4375,,C
845,0,3,"Culumovic, Mr. Jeso",male,17,0,0,315090,8.6625,,S
846,0,3,"Abbing, Mr. Anthony",male,42,0,0,C.A. 5547,7.55,,S
847,0,3,"Sage, Mr. Douglas Bullen",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
848,0,3,"Markoff, Mr. Marin",male,35,0,0,349213,7.8958,,C
849,0,2,"Harper, Rev. John",male,28,0,1,248727,33,,S
850,1,1,"Goldenberg, Mrs. Samuel L (Edwiga Grabowska)",female,,1,0,17453,89.1042,C92,C
851,0,3,"Andersson, Master. Sigvard Harald Elias",male,4,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
852,0,3,"Svensson, Mr. Johan",male,74,0,0,347060,7.775,,S
853,0,3,"Boulos, Miss. Nourelain",female,9,1,1,2678,15.2458,,C
854,1,1,"Lines, Miss. Mary Conover",female,16,0,1,PC 17592,39.4,D28,S
855,0,2,"Carter, Mrs. Ernest Courtenay (Lilian Hughes)",female,44,1,0,244252,26,,S
856,1,3,"Aks, Mrs. Sam (Leah Rosen)",female,18,0,1,392091,9.35,,S
857,1,1,"Wick, Mrs. George Dennick (Mary Hitchcock)",female,45,1,1,36928,164.8667,,S
858,1,1,"Daly, Mr. Peter Denis ",male,51,0,0,113055,26.55,E17,S
859,1,3,"Baclini, Mrs. Solomon (Latifa Qurban)",female,24,0,3,2666,19.2583,,C
860,0,3,"Razi, Mr. Raihed",male,,0,0,2629,7.2292,,C
861,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Claus Peter",male,41,2,0,350026,14.1083,,S
862,0,2,"Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward",male,21,1,0,28134,11.5,,S
863,1,1,"Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel (Margaret Welles Barron)",female,48,0,0,17466,25.9292,D17,S
864,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Dorothy Edith ""Dolly""",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
865,0,2,"Gill, Mr. John William",male,24,0,0,233866,13,,S
866,1,2,"Bystrom, Mrs. (Karolina)",female,42,0,0,236852,13,,S
867,1,2,"Duran y More, Miss. Asuncion",female,27,1,0,SC/PARIS 2149,13.8583,,C
868,0,1,"Roebling, Mr. Washington Augustus II",male,31,0,0,PC 17590,50.4958,A24,S
869,0,3,"van Melkebeke, Mr. Philemon",male,,0,0,345777,9.5,,S
870,1,3,"Johnson, Master. Harold Theodor",male,4,1,1,347742,11.1333,,S
871,0,3,"Balkic, Mr. Cerin",male,26,0,0,349248,7.8958,,S
872,1,1,"Beckwith, Mrs. Richard Leonard (Sallie Monypeny)",female,47,1,1,11751,52.5542,D35,S
873,0,1,"Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof",male,33,0,0,695,5,B51 B53 B55,S
874,0,3,"Vander Cruyssen, Mr. Victor",male,47,0,0,345765,9,,S
875,1,2,"Abelson, Mrs. Samuel (Hannah Wizosky)",female,28,1,0,P/PP 3381,24,,C
876,1,3,"Najib, Miss. Adele Kiamie ""Jane""",female,15,0,0,2667,7.225,,C
877,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Alfred Ossian",male,20,0,0,7534,9.8458,,S
878,0,3,"Petroff, Mr. Nedelio",male,19,0,0,349212,7.8958,,S
879,0,3,"Laleff, Mr. Kristo",male,,0,0,349217,7.8958,,S
880,1,1,"Potter, Mrs. Thomas Jr (Lily Alexenia Wilson)",female,56,0,1,11767,83.1583,C50,C
881,1,2,"Shelley, Mrs. William (Imanita Parrish Hall)",female,25,0,1,230433,26,,S
882,0,3,"Markun, Mr. Johann",male,33,0,0,349257,7.8958,,S
883,0,3,"Dahlberg, Miss. Gerda Ulrika",female,22,0,0,7552,10.5167,,S
884,0,2,"Banfield, Mr. Frederick James",male,28,0,0,C.A./SOTON 34068,10.5,,S
885,0,3,"Sutehall, Mr. Henry Jr",male,25,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392076,7.05,,S
886,0,3,"Rice, Mrs. William (Margaret Norton)",female,39,0,5,382652,29.125,,Q
887,0,2,"Montvila, Rev. Juozas",male,27,0,0,211536,13,,S
888,1,1,"Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith",female,19,0,0,112053,30,B42,S
889,0,3,"Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen ""Carrie""",female,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
890,1,1,"Behr, Mr. Karl Howell",male,26,0,0,111369,30,C148,C
891,0,3,"Dooley, Mr. Patrick",male,32,0,0,370376,7.75,,Q
Subproject commit b71d0c5cc95860a0e51fbc3c4d9ffd4289c1e876
names(new.theta) <- names(features)
alpha <- 0.01
# Utility functon that calculates the prediction for an observation
# given the current state of the hypothesis function.
#h.theta <- function(theta, observation) {
# return(sum(theta * observation))
# prediction <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:length(theta)) {
# prediction <- prediction + (theta[i] * observation[i])
# }
# return(prediction)
# for(k in 1:2){
# m <- ncol(features)
# for(j in 1:m) {
# n <- nrow(features)
# summation <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:n) {
# # prediction <- h.theta(theta, features[i,])
# prediction <- sum(theta * features[i,])
# residual <- prediction - y[i]
# update.value <- residual * features[i, j]
# summation <- summation + update.value
# }
# new.theta[j] <- theta[j] + (alpha * summation)
# }
# theta <- new.theta
# # print(theta)
# }
# print(theta)
iterations <- 250
X <- features
for(k in 1:iterations) {
for(j in 1:ncol(X)) {
summation <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(X)) {
residual <- sum(X[i,] * theta[j]) - y[i]
summation <- summation + (residual * X[i, j])
new.theta[j] <- theta[j] - (alpha / nrow(X) * summation)
theta <- new.theta
x <- runif(1000, -5, 5)
y <- x + rnorm(1000) + 3
intercept <- rep(1, length(x))
lm.model <- lm(y ~ x)
features <- data.frame(intercept = intercept, x = x)
theta <- rep(0, ncol(features))
names(theta) <- names(features)
new.theta <- rep(0, ncol(features))
names(new.theta) <- names(features)
alpha <- 0.025
# Utility functon that calculates the prediction for an observation
# given the current state of the hypothesis function.
#h.theta <- function(theta, observation) {
# return(sum(theta * observation))
# prediction <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:length(theta)) {
# prediction <- prediction + (theta[i] * observation[i])
# }
# return(prediction)
# for(k in 1:2){
# m <- ncol(features)
# for(j in 1:m) {
# n <- nrow(features)
# summation <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:n) {
# # prediction <- h.theta(theta, features[i,])
# prediction <- sum(theta * features[i,])
# residual <- prediction - y[i]
# update.value <- residual * features[i, j]
# summation <- summation + update.value
# }
# new.theta[j] <- theta[j] + (alpha * summation)
# }
# theta <- new.theta
# # print(theta)
# }
# print(theta)
iterations <- 250
X <- features
for(k in 1:iterations) {
for(j in 1:ncol(X)) {
summation <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(X)) {
residual <- sum(X[i,] * theta[j]) - y[i]
summation <- summation + (residual * X[i, j])
new.theta[j] <- theta[j] - (alpha / nrow(X) * summation)
theta <- new.theta
x <- runif(1000, -5, 5)
y <- x + rnorm(1000) + 3
intercept <- rep(1, length(x))
lm.model <- lm(y ~ x)
features <- data.frame(intercept = intercept, x = x)
theta <- rep(0, ncol(features))
names(theta) <- names(features)
new.theta <- rep(0, ncol(features))
names(new.theta) <- names(features)
alpha <- 0.05
# Utility functon that calculates the prediction for an observation
# given the current state of the hypothesis function.
#h.theta <- function(theta, observation) {
# return(sum(theta * observation))
# prediction <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:length(theta)) {
# prediction <- prediction + (theta[i] * observation[i])
# }
# return(prediction)
# for(k in 1:2){
# m <- ncol(features)
# for(j in 1:m) {
# n <- nrow(features)
# summation <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:n) {
# # prediction <- h.theta(theta, features[i,])
# prediction <- sum(theta * features[i,])
# residual <- prediction - y[i]
# update.value <- residual * features[i, j]
# summation <- summation + update.value
# }
# new.theta[j] <- theta[j] + (alpha * summation)
# }
# theta <- new.theta
# # print(theta)
# }
# print(theta)
iterations <- 250
X <- features
for(k in 1:iterations) {
for(j in 1:ncol(X)) {
summation <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(X)) {
residual <- sum(X[i,] * theta[j]) - y[i]
summation <- summation + (residual * X[i, j])
new.theta[j] <- theta[j] - (alpha / nrow(X) * summation)
theta <- new.theta
x <- runif(1000, -5, 5)
y <- x + rnorm(1000) + 3
intercept <- rep(1, length(x))
lm.model <- lm(y ~ x)
features <- data.frame(intercept = intercept, x = x)
theta <- rep(0, ncol(features))
names(theta) <- names(features)
new.theta <- rep(0, ncol(features))
names(new.theta) <- names(features)
alpha <- 0.05
# Utility functon that calculates the prediction for an observation
# given the current state of the hypothesis function.
#h.theta <- function(theta, observation) {
# return(sum(theta * observation))
# prediction <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:length(theta)) {
# prediction <- prediction + (theta[i] * observation[i])
# }
# return(prediction)
# for(k in 1:2){
# m <- ncol(features)
# for(j in 1:m) {
# n <- nrow(features)
# summation <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:n) {
# # prediction <- h.theta(theta, features[i,])
# prediction <- sum(theta * features[i,])
# residual <- prediction - y[i]
# update.value <- residual * features[i, j]
# summation <- summation + update.value
# }
# new.theta[j] <- theta[j] + (alpha * summation)
# }
# theta <- new.theta
# # print(theta)
# }
# print(theta)
iterations <- 300
X <- features
for(k in 1:iterations) {
for(j in 1:ncol(X)) {
summation <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(X)) {
residual <- sum(X[i,] * theta[j]) - y[i]
summation <- summation + (residual * X[i, j])
new.theta[j] <- theta[j] - (alpha / nrow(X) * summation)
theta <- new.theta
x <- runif(1000, -5, 5)
y <- x + rnorm(1000) + 3
intercept <- rep(1, length(x))
lm.model <- lm(y ~ x)
features <- data.frame(intercept = intercept, x = x)
theta <- rep(0, ncol(features))
names(theta) <- names(features)
new.theta <- rep(0, ncol(features))
names(new.theta) <- names(features)
alpha <- 0.05
# Utility functon that calculates the prediction for an observation
# given the current state of the hypothesis function.
#h.theta <- function(theta, observation) {
# return(sum(theta * observation))
# prediction <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:length(theta)) {
# prediction <- prediction + (theta[i] * observation[i])
# }
# return(prediction)
# for(k in 1:2){
# m <- ncol(features)
# for(j in 1:m) {
# n <- nrow(features)
# summation <- 0.0
# for(i in 1:n) {
# # prediction <- h.theta(theta, features[i,])
# prediction <- sum(theta * features[i,])
# residual <- prediction - y[i]
# update.value <- residual * features[i, j]
# summation <- summation + update.value
# }
# new.theta[j] <- theta[j] + (alpha * summation)
# }
# theta <- new.theta
# # print(theta)
# }
# print(theta)
iterations <- 500
X <- features
for(k in 1:iterations) {
for(j in 1:ncol(X)) {
summation <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(X)) {
residual <- sum(X[i,] * theta[j]) - y[i]
summation <- summation + (residual * X[i, j])
new.theta[j] <- theta[j] - (alpha / nrow(X) * summation)
theta <- new.theta
install.packages(c("lmtest", "mgcv", "nlme"))
debugSource('~/Dropbox/AmsterdamBootcamp/GradientDescentExample.R', echo=TRUE)
debugSource('~/Dropbox/AmsterdamBootcamp/GradientDescentExample.R', echo=TRUE)
# Copyright 2017 Dave Langer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 10 of the YouTube series
# "R Programming for Excel Users" located at the following URL:
# Numeric Vectors
# Create a vector of integer values
my_vector <- 1:10
# Inspect the vector more closely
# Add 1 to each value of the vector
my_vector_plus1 <- my_vector + 1
# Divide each value of the vector by 2
half_my_vector <- my_vector / 2
# Make the vector whole again
whole_my_vector <- half_my_vector + half_my_vector
# Square the value of each vector
my_vector_squared1 <- my_vector * my_vector
# Square the value of each vector
my_vector_squared2 <- my_vector ^ 2
# Take the square root of each value
sqrt_my_vector <- sqrt(my_vector)
# More vectorized functions
# Logical Vectors
# Which values are greater than 3.5?
larger_than_3.5 <- my_vector > 3.5
# Inspect vector more closely
# Grab only the values larger than 3.5
my_vector2 <- my_vector[larger_than_3.5]
# Grab only the values larger than 3.5
my_vector3 <- my_vector[my_vector > 3.5]
# Grow the vector
my_bigger_vector <- c(my_vector, 11:15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)
# How big is it now?
# String Vectors
# Create a vector of strings
force_users <- c("Yoda", "Darth Vader", "Obi Wan", "Mace Windu",
"Darth Maul", "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Sidious")
# Inspect vector more closely
# Add 1 to string vector
force_users + 1
# Add another force user
force_users <- force_users + "Kylo Ren"
# Add more force users
more_force_users <- c(force_users, "Qui-Gon Jinn", "Darth Tyranus")
# How big is the vector?
# How long is each string in the vector?
name_lengths <- nchar(more_force_users)
# Missing Values
# Build a vector with missing values
birthplaces <- c(NA, "Tatooine", "Stewjon", "Haruun Kal", "Dathomir",
"Polis Massa", "Naboo", "Coruscant", "Serenno")
# Inspect closer
# Vectorized operation
# Logical operations
# Factor Vectors
# Create factor (categorical) vector
affiliation <- as.factor(c("Jedi", "Sith", "Rogue"))
# Inspect
# Explore representations
# Data Frames
star_wars <- data.frame(id = 1:length(more_force_users),
birthplaces = as.factor(birthplaces),
affiliation = c("Jedi", "Sith",
"Jedi", "Jedi",
"Sith", "Jedi",
"Sith", "Jedi",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Inspect
# Set up factors
star_wars$affiliation <- as.factor(star_wars$affiliation)
# Reinspect
# Additional slicing syntax
star_wars$more_force_users[star_wars$affiliation == "Sith"]
# Load-up some built in data
# Get help on built-in data
# Understand the shape of a data frame
# Understand the metadata of a data frame
rownames(mtcars)[c(3, 4, 5)]
# Cool RStudio feature - spreadsheet view of a data frame
# See a few rows at the top and bottom of a data frame
# All-up view of a data frame
# Understand the data type of a data frame
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 1 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# <YouTube Video Link Here />
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 10 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Per best practices, we will leverage cross validation (CV) as
# the basis of our modeling process. Using CV we can create
# estimates of how well our model will do in Production on new,
# unseen data. CV is powerful, but the downside is that it
# requires more processing and therefore more time.
# If you are not familiar with CV, consult the following
# Wikipedia article:
# Setup a the feature data frame with labels.
train.tokens.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.dfm))
# Often, tokenization requires some additional pre-processing
names(train.tokens.df)[c(146, 148, 235, 238)]
# Cleanup column names.
names(train.tokens.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.df))
# Use caret to create stratified folds for 10-fold cross validation repeated
# 3 times (i.e., create 30 random stratified samples)
cv.folds <- createMultiFolds(train$Label, k = 10, times = 3)
cv.cntrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,
repeats = 3, index = cv.folds)
# Our data frame is non-trivial in size. As such, CV runs will take
# quite a long time to run. To cut down on total execution time, use
# the doSNOW package to allow for multi-core training in parallel.
# WARNING - The following code is configured to run on a workstation-
# or server-class machine (i.e., 12 logical cores). Alter
# code to suit your HW environment.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was approximately 4 minutes.
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# The use of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is a
# powerful technique for enhancing the information/signal contained
# within our document-frequency matrix. Specifically, the mathematics
# behind TF-IDF accomplish the following goals:
# 1 - The TF calculation accounts for the fact that longer
# documents will have higher individual term counts. Applying
# TF normalizes all documents in the corpus to be length
# independent.
# 2 - The IDF calculation accounts for the frequency of term
# appearance in all documents in the corpus. The intuition
# being that a term that appears in every document has no
# predictive power.
# 3 - The multiplication of TF by IDF for each cell in the matrix
# allows for weighting of #1 and #2 for each cell in the matrix.
# Our function for calculating relative term frequency (TF)
term.frequency <- function(row) {
row / sum(row)
# Our function for calculating inverse document frequency (IDF)
inverse.doc.freq <- function(col) {
corpus.size <- length(col)
doc.count <- length(which(col > 0))
log10(corpus.size / doc.count)
# Our function for calculating TF-IDF.
tf.idf <- function(x, idf) {
x * idf
# First step, normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
View(train.tokens.df[1:20, 1:100])
# Second step, calculate the IDF vector that we will use - both
# for training data and for test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Check for incopmlete cases.
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Fix incomplete cases
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame using the same process as before.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# N-grams allow us to augment our document-term frequency matrices with
# word ordering. This often leads to increased performance (e.g., accuracy)
# for machine learning models trained with more than just unigrams (i.e.,
# single terms). Let's add bigrams to our training data and the TF-IDF
# transform the expanded featre matrix to see if accuracy improves.
# Add bigrams to our feature matrix.
train.tokens <- tokens_ngrams(train.tokens, n = 1:2)
# Transform to dfm and then a matrix.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
# Normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
# Calculate the IDF vector that we will use for training and test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf,
idf = train.tokens.idf)
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
# Fix incomplete cases
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Clean up unused objects in memory.
# NOTE - The following code requires the use of command-line R to execute
# due to the large number of features (i.e., columns) in the matrix.
# Please consult the following link for more details if you wish
# to run the code yourself:
# Also note that running the following code required approximately
# 38GB of RAM and more than 4.5 hours to execute on a 10-core
# workstation!
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Leverage single decision trees to evaluate if adding bigrams improves the
# the effectiveness of the model.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Check out our results.
# The results of the above processing show a slight decline in rpart
# effectiveness with a 10-fold CV repeated 3 times accuracy of 0.9457.
# As we will discuss later, while the addition of bigrams appears to
# negatively impact a single decision tree, it helps with the mighty
# random forest!
# We'll leverage the irlba package for our singular value
# decomposition (SVD). The irlba package allows us to specify
# the number of the most important singular vectors we wish to
# calculate and retain for features.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Perform SVD. Specifically, reduce dimensionality down to 300 columns
# for our latent semantic analysis (LSA).
train.irlba <- irlba(t(train.tokens.tfidf), nv = 300, maxit = 600)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Take a look at the new feature data up close.
# As with TF-IDF, we will need to project new data (e.g., the test data)
# into the SVD semantic space. The following code illustrates how to do
# this using a row of the training data that has already been transformed
# by TF-IDF, per the mathematics illustrated in the slides.
sigma.inverse <- 1 / train.irlba$d
u.transpose <- t(train.irlba$u)
document <- train.tokens.tfidf[1,]
document.hat <- sigma.inverse * u.transpose %*% document
# Look at the first 10 components of projected document and the corresponding
# row in our document semantic space (i.e., the V matrix)
train.irlba$v[1, 1:10]
# Create new feature data frame using our document semantic space of 300
# features (i.e., the V matrix from our SVD).
train.svd <- data.frame(Label = train$Label, train.irlba$v)
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# This will be the last run using single decision trees. With a much smaller
# feature matrix we can now use more powerful methods like the mighty Random
# Forest from now on! <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# NOTE - The following code takes a long time to run. Here's the math.
# We are performing 10-fold CV repeated 3 times. That means we
# need to build 30 models. We are also asking caret to try 7
# different values of the mtry parameter. Next up by default
# a mighty random forest leverages 500 trees. Lastly, caret will
# build 1 final model at the end of the process with the best
# mtry value over all the training data. Here's the number of
# tree we're building:
# (10 * 3 * 7 * 500) + 500 = 105,500 trees!
# On a workstation using 10 cores the following code took 28 minutes
# to execute.
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# We have reduced the dimensionality of our data using SVD. Also, the
# application of SVD allows us to use LSA to simultaneously increase the
# information density of each feature. To prove this out, leverage a
# mighty Random Forest with the default of 500 trees. We'll also ask
# caret to try 7 different values of mtry to find the mtry value that
# gives the best result!
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load processing results from disk!
# Check out our results.
# Let's drill-down on the results.
# OK, now let's add in the feature we engineered previously for SMS
# text length to see if it improves things.
train.svd$TextLength <- train$TextLength
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Re-run the training process with the additional feature.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7,
# importance = TRUE)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load results from disk.
# Check the results.
# Drill-down on the results.
# How important was the new feature?
# Turns out that our TextLength feature is very predictive and pushed our
# overall accuracy over the training data to 97.1%. We can also use the
# power of cosine similarity to engineer a feature for calculating, on
# average, how alike each SMS text message is to all of the spam messages.
# The hypothesis here is that our use of bigrams, tf-idf, and LSA have
# produced a representation where ham SMS messages should have low cosine
# similarities with spam SMS messages and vice versa.
# Use the lsa package's cosine function for our calculations.
train.similarities <- cosine(t(as.matrix(train.svd[, -c(1, ncol(train.svd))])))
# Next up - take each SMS text message and find what the mean cosine
# similarity is for each SMS text mean with each of the spam SMS messages.
# Per our hypothesis, ham SMS text messages should have relatively low
# cosine similarities with spam messages and vice versa!
spam.indexes <- which(train$Label == "spam")
train.svd$SpamSimilarity <- rep(0.0, nrow(train.svd))
for(i in 1:nrow(train.svd)) {
train.svd$SpamSimilarity[i] <- mean(train.similarities[i, spam.indexes])
# As always, let's visualize our results using the mighty ggplot2
ggplot(train.svd, aes(x = SpamSimilarity, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
labs(y = "Message Count",
x = "Mean Spam Message Cosine Similarity",
title = "Distribution of Ham vs. Spam Using Spam Cosine Similarity")
# Per our analysis of mighty random forest results, we are interested in
# in features that can raise model performance with respect to sensitivity.
# Perform another CV process using the new spam cosine similarity feature.
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Re-run the training process with the additional feature.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7,
# importance = TRUE)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load results from disk.
# Check the results.
# Drill-down on the results.
# How important was this feature?
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 11 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Per best practices, we will leverage cross validation (CV) as
# the basis of our modeling process. Using CV we can create
# estimates of how well our model will do in Production on new,
# unseen data. CV is powerful, but the downside is that it
# requires more processing and therefore more time.
# If you are not familiar with CV, consult the following
# Wikipedia article:
# Setup a the feature data frame with labels.
train.tokens.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.dfm))
# Often, tokenization requires some additional pre-processing
names(train.tokens.df)[c(146, 148, 235, 238)]
# Cleanup column names.
names(train.tokens.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.df))
# Use caret to create stratified folds for 10-fold cross validation repeated
# 3 times (i.e., create 30 random stratified samples)
cv.folds <- createMultiFolds(train$Label, k = 10, times = 3)
cv.cntrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,
repeats = 3, index = cv.folds)
# Our data frame is non-trivial in size. As such, CV runs will take
# quite a long time to run. To cut down on total execution time, use
# the doSNOW package to allow for multi-core training in parallel.
# WARNING - The following code is configured to run on a workstation-
# or server-class machine (i.e., 12 logical cores). Alter
# code to suit your HW environment.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was approximately 4 minutes.
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# The use of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is a
# powerful technique for enhancing the information/signal contained
# within our document-frequency matrix. Specifically, the mathematics
# behind TF-IDF accomplish the following goals:
# 1 - The TF calculation accounts for the fact that longer
# documents will have higher individual term counts. Applying
# TF normalizes all documents in the corpus to be length
# independent.
# 2 - The IDF calculation accounts for the frequency of term
# appearance in all documents in the corpus. The intuition
# being that a term that appears in every document has no
# predictive power.
# 3 - The multiplication of TF by IDF for each cell in the matrix
# allows for weighting of #1 and #2 for each cell in the matrix.
# Our function for calculating relative term frequency (TF)
term.frequency <- function(row) {
row / sum(row)
# Our function for calculating inverse document frequency (IDF)
inverse.doc.freq <- function(col) {
corpus.size <- length(col)
doc.count <- length(which(col > 0))
log10(corpus.size / doc.count)
# Our function for calculating TF-IDF.
tf.idf <- function(x, idf) {
x * idf
# First step, normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
View(train.tokens.df[1:20, 1:100])
# Second step, calculate the IDF vector that we will use - both
# for training data and for test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Check for incopmlete cases.
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Fix incomplete cases
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame using the same process as before.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# N-grams allow us to augment our document-term frequency matrices with
# word ordering. This often leads to increased performance (e.g., accuracy)
# for machine learning models trained with more than just unigrams (i.e.,
# single terms). Let's add bigrams to our training data and the TF-IDF
# transform the expanded featre matrix to see if accuracy improves.
# Add bigrams to our feature matrix.
train.tokens <- tokens_ngrams(train.tokens, n = 1:2)
# Transform to dfm and then a matrix.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
# Normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
# Calculate the IDF vector that we will use for training and test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf,
idf = train.tokens.idf)
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
# Fix incomplete cases
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Clean up unused objects in memory.
# NOTE - The following code requires the use of command-line R to execute
# due to the large number of features (i.e., columns) in the matrix.
# Please consult the following link for more details if you wish
# to run the code yourself:
# Also note that running the following code required approximately
# 38GB of RAM and more than 4.5 hours to execute on a 10-core
# workstation!
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Leverage single decision trees to evaluate if adding bigrams improves the
# the effectiveness of the model.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Check out our results.
# The results of the above processing show a slight decline in rpart
# effectiveness with a 10-fold CV repeated 3 times accuracy of 0.9457.
# As we will discuss later, while the addition of bigrams appears to
# negatively impact a single decision tree, it helps with the mighty
# random forest!
# We'll leverage the irlba package for our singular value
# decomposition (SVD). The irlba package allows us to specify
# the number of the most important singular vectors we wish to
# calculate and retain for features.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Perform SVD. Specifically, reduce dimensionality down to 300 columns
# for our latent semantic analysis (LSA).
train.irlba <- irlba(t(train.tokens.tfidf), nv = 300, maxit = 600)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Take a look at the new feature data up close.
# As with TF-IDF, we will need to project new data (e.g., the test data)
# into the SVD semantic space. The following code illustrates how to do
# this using a row of the training data that has already been transformed
# by TF-IDF, per the mathematics illustrated in the slides.
sigma.inverse <- 1 / train.irlba$d
u.transpose <- t(train.irlba$u)
document <- train.tokens.tfidf[1,]
document.hat <- sigma.inverse * u.transpose %*% document
# Look at the first 10 components of projected document and the corresponding
# row in our document semantic space (i.e., the V matrix)
train.irlba$v[1, 1:10]
# Create new feature data frame using our document semantic space of 300
# features (i.e., the V matrix from our SVD).
train.svd <- data.frame(Label = train$Label, train.irlba$v)
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# This will be the last run using single decision trees. With a much smaller
# feature matrix we can now use more powerful methods like the mighty Random
# Forest from now on! <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# NOTE - The following code takes a long time to run. Here's the math.
# We are performing 10-fold CV repeated 3 times. That means we
# need to build 30 models. We are also asking caret to try 7
# different values of the mtry parameter. Next up by default
# a mighty random forest leverages 500 trees. Lastly, caret will
# build 1 final model at the end of the process with the best
# mtry value over all the training data. Here's the number of
# tree we're building:
# (10 * 3 * 7 * 500) + 500 = 105,500 trees!
# On a workstation using 10 cores the following code took 28 minutes
# to execute.
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# We have reduced the dimensionality of our data using SVD. Also, the
# application of SVD allows us to use LSA to simultaneously increase the
# information density of each feature. To prove this out, leverage a
# mighty Random Forest with the default of 500 trees. We'll also ask
# caret to try 7 different values of mtry to find the mtry value that
# gives the best result!
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load processing results from disk!
# Check out our results.
# Let's drill-down on the results.
# OK, now let's add in the feature we engineered previously for SMS
# text length to see if it improves things.
train.svd$TextLength <- train$TextLength
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Re-run the training process with the additional feature.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7,
# importance = TRUE)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load results from disk.
# Check the results.
# Drill-down on the results.
# How important was the new feature?
# Turns out that our TextLength feature is very predictive and pushed our
# overall accuracy over the training data to 97.1%. We can also use the
# power of cosine similarity to engineer a feature for calculating, on
# average, how alike each SMS text message is to all of the spam messages.
# The hypothesis here is that our use of bigrams, tf-idf, and LSA have
# produced a representation where ham SMS messages should have low cosine
# similarities with spam SMS messages and vice versa.
# Use the lsa package's cosine function for our calculations.
train.similarities <- cosine(t(as.matrix(train.svd[, -c(1, ncol(train.svd))])))
# Next up - take each SMS text message and find what the mean cosine
# similarity is for each SMS text mean with each of the spam SMS messages.
# Per our hypothesis, ham SMS text messages should have relatively low
# cosine similarities with spam messages and vice versa!
spam.indexes <- which(train$Label == "spam")
train.svd$SpamSimilarity <- rep(0.0, nrow(train.svd))
for(i in 1:nrow(train.svd)) {
train.svd$SpamSimilarity[i] <- mean(train.similarities[i, spam.indexes])
# As always, let's visualize our results using the mighty ggplot2
ggplot(train.svd, aes(x = SpamSimilarity, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
labs(y = "Message Count",
x = "Mean Spam Message Cosine Similarity",
title = "Distribution of Ham vs. Spam Using Spam Cosine Similarity")
# Per our analysis of mighty random forest results, we are interested in
# in features that can raise model performance with respect to sensitivity.
# Perform another CV process using the new spam cosine similarity feature.
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Re-run the training process with the additional feature.
# set.seed(932847)
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7,
# importance = TRUE)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load results from disk.
# Check the results.
# Drill-down on the results.
# How important was this feature?
# We've built what appears to be an effective predictive model. Time to verify
# using the test holdout data we set aside at the beginning of the project.
# First stage of this verification is running the test data through our pre-
# processing pipeline of:
# 1 - Tokenization
# 2 - Lower casing
# 3 - Stopword removal
# 4 - Stemming
# 5 - Adding bigrams
# 6 - Transform to dfm
# 7 - Ensure test dfm has same features as train dfm
# Tokenization.
test.tokens <- tokens(test$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Lower case the tokens.
test.tokens <- tokens_tolower(test.tokens)
# Stopword removal.
test.tokens <- tokens_select(test.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Stemming.
test.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(test.tokens, language = "english")
# Add bigrams.
test.tokens <- tokens_ngrams(test.tokens, n = 1:2)
# Convert n-grams to quanteda document-term frequency matrix.
test.tokens.dfm <- dfm(test.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Explore the train and test quanteda dfm objects.
# Ensure the test dfm has the same n-grams as the training dfm.
# NOTE - In production we should expect that new text messages will
# contain n-grams that did not exist in the original training
# data. As such, we need to strip those n-grams out.
test.tokens.dfm <- dfm_select(test.tokens.dfm, pattern = train.tokens.dfm,
selection = "keep")
test.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(test.tokens.dfm)
# With the raw test features in place next up is the projecting the term
# counts for the unigrams into the same TF-IDF vector space as our training
# data. The high level process is as follows:
# 1 - Normalize each document (i.e, each row)
# 2 - Perform IDF multiplication using training IDF values
# Normalize all documents via TF.
test.tokens.df <- apply(test.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
test.tokens.tfidf <- apply(test.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(test.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
test.tokens.tfidf <- t(test.tokens.tfidf)
# Fix incomplete cases
test.tokens.tfidf[] <- 0.0
# With the test data projected into the TF-IDF vector space of the training
# data we can now to the final projection into the training LSA semantic
# space (i.e. the SVD matrix factorization).
test.svd.raw <- t(sigma.inverse * u.transpose %*% t(test.tokens.tfidf))
# Lastly, we can now build the test data frame to feed into our trained
# machine learning model for predictions. First up, add Label and TextLength.
test.svd <- data.frame(Label = test$Label, test.svd.raw,
TextLength = test$TextLength)
# Next step, calculate SpamSimilarity for all the test documents. First up,
# create a spam similarity matrix.
test.similarities <- rbind(test.svd.raw, train.irlba$v[spam.indexes,])
test.similarities <- cosine(t(test.similarities))
# NOTE - The following code was updated post-video recoding due to a bug.
test.svd$SpamSimilarity <- rep(0.0, nrow(test.svd))
spam.cols <- (nrow(test.svd) + 1):ncol(test.similarities)
for(i in 1:nrow(test.svd)) {
# The following line has the bug fix.
test.svd$SpamSimilarity[i] <- mean(test.similarities[i, spam.cols])
# Some SMS text messages become empty as a result of stopword and special
# character removal. This results in spam similarity measures of 0. Correct.
# This code as added post-video as part of the bug fix.
test.svd$SpamSimilarity[!is.finite(test.svd$SpamSimilarity)] <- 0
# Now we can make predictions on the test data set using our trained mighty
# random forest.
preds <- predict(, test.svd)
# Drill-in on results
confusionMatrix(preds, test.svd$Label)
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 12 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Per best practices, we will leverage cross validation (CV) as
# the basis of our modeling process. Using CV we can create
# estimates of how well our model will do in Production on new,
# unseen data. CV is powerful, but the downside is that it
# requires more processing and therefore more time.
# If you are not familiar with CV, consult the following
# Wikipedia article:
# Setup a the feature data frame with labels.
train.tokens.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.dfm))
# Often, tokenization requires some additional pre-processing
names(train.tokens.df)[c(146, 148, 235, 238)]
# Cleanup column names.
names(train.tokens.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.df))
# Use caret to create stratified folds for 10-fold cross validation repeated
# 3 times (i.e., create 30 random stratified samples)
cv.folds <- createMultiFolds(train$Label, k = 10, times = 3)
cv.cntrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,
repeats = 3, index = cv.folds)
# Our data frame is non-trivial in size. As such, CV runs will take
# quite a long time to run. To cut down on total execution time, use
# the doSNOW package to allow for multi-core training in parallel.
# WARNING - The following code is configured to run on a workstation-
# or server-class machine (i.e., 12 logical cores). Alter
# code to suit your HW environment.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was approximately 4 minutes.
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# The use of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is a
# powerful technique for enhancing the information/signal contained
# within our document-frequency matrix. Specifically, the mathematics
# behind TF-IDF accomplish the following goals:
# 1 - The TF calculation accounts for the fact that longer
# documents will have higher individual term counts. Applying
# TF normalizes all documents in the corpus to be length
# independent.
# 2 - The IDF calculation accounts for the frequency of term
# appearance in all documents in the corpus. The intuition
# being that a term that appears in every document has no
# predictive power.
# 3 - The multiplication of TF by IDF for each cell in the matrix
# allows for weighting of #1 and #2 for each cell in the matrix.
# Our function for calculating relative term frequency (TF)
term.frequency <- function(row) {
row / sum(row)
# Our function for calculating inverse document frequency (IDF)
inverse.doc.freq <- function(col) {
corpus.size <- length(col)
doc.count <- length(which(col > 0))
log10(corpus.size / doc.count)
# Our function for calculating TF-IDF.
tf.idf <- function(x, idf) {
x * idf
# First step, normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
View(train.tokens.df[1:20, 1:100])
# Second step, calculate the IDF vector that we will use - both
# for training data and for test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Check for incopmlete cases.
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Fix incomplete cases
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame using the same process as before.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# N-grams allow us to augment our document-term frequency matrices with
# word ordering. This often leads to increased performance (e.g., accuracy)
# for machine learning models trained with more than just unigrams (i.e.,
# single terms). Let's add bigrams to our training data and the TF-IDF
# transform the expanded featre matrix to see if accuracy improves.
# Add bigrams to our feature matrix.
train.tokens <- tokens_ngrams(train.tokens, n = 1:2)
# Transform to dfm and then a matrix.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
# Normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
# Calculate the IDF vector that we will use for training and test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf,
idf = train.tokens.idf)
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
# Fix incomplete cases
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Clean up unused objects in memory.
# NOTE - The following code requires the use of command-line R to execute
# due to the large number of features (i.e., columns) in the matrix.
# Please consult the following link for more details if you wish
# to run the code yourself:
# Also note that running the following code required approximately
# 38GB of RAM and more than 4.5 hours to execute on a 10-core
# workstation!
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Leverage single decision trees to evaluate if adding bigrams improves the
# the effectiveness of the model.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Check out our results.
# The results of the above processing show a slight decline in rpart
# effectiveness with a 10-fold CV repeated 3 times accuracy of 0.9457.
# As we will discuss later, while the addition of bigrams appears to
# negatively impact a single decision tree, it helps with the mighty
# random forest!
# We'll leverage the irlba package for our singular value
# decomposition (SVD). The irlba package allows us to specify
# the number of the most important singular vectors we wish to
# calculate and retain for features.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Perform SVD. Specifically, reduce dimensionality down to 300 columns
# for our latent semantic analysis (LSA).
train.irlba <- irlba(t(train.tokens.tfidf), nv = 300, maxit = 600)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Take a look at the new feature data up close.
# As with TF-IDF, we will need to project new data (e.g., the test data)
# into the SVD semantic space. The following code illustrates how to do
# this using a row of the training data that has already been transformed
# by TF-IDF, per the mathematics illustrated in the slides.
sigma.inverse <- 1 / train.irlba$d
u.transpose <- t(train.irlba$u)
document <- train.tokens.tfidf[1,]
document.hat <- sigma.inverse * u.transpose %*% document
# Look at the first 10 components of projected document and the corresponding
# row in our document semantic space (i.e., the V matrix)
train.irlba$v[1, 1:10]
# Create new feature data frame using our document semantic space of 300
# features (i.e., the V matrix from our SVD).
train.svd <- data.frame(Label = train$Label, train.irlba$v)
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# This will be the last run using single decision trees. With a much smaller
# feature matrix we can now use more powerful methods like the mighty Random
# Forest from now on! <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# NOTE - The following code takes a long time to run. Here's the math.
# We are performing 10-fold CV repeated 3 times. That means we
# need to build 30 models. We are also asking caret to try 7
# different values of the mtry parameter. Next up by default
# a mighty random forest leverages 500 trees. Lastly, caret will
# build 1 final model at the end of the process with the best
# mtry value over all the training data. Here's the number of
# tree we're building:
# (10 * 3 * 7 * 500) + 500 = 105,500 trees!
# On a workstation using 10 cores the following code took 28 minutes
# to execute.
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# We have reduced the dimensionality of our data using SVD. Also, the
# application of SVD allows us to use LSA to simultaneously increase the
# information density of each feature. To prove this out, leverage a
# mighty Random Forest with the default of 500 trees. We'll also ask
# caret to try 7 different values of mtry to find the mtry value that
# gives the best result!
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load processing results from disk!
# Check out our results.
# Let's drill-down on the results.
# OK, now let's add in the feature we engineered previously for SMS
# text length to see if it improves things.
train.svd$TextLength <- train$TextLength
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Re-run the training process with the additional feature.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7,
# importance = TRUE)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load results from disk.
# Check the results.
# Drill-down on the results.
# How important was the new feature?
# Turns out that our TextLength feature is very predictive and pushed our
# overall accuracy over the training data to 97.1%. We can also use the
# power of cosine similarity to engineer a feature for calculating, on
# average, how alike each SMS text message is to all of the spam messages.
# The hypothesis here is that our use of bigrams, tf-idf, and LSA have
# produced a representation where ham SMS messages should have low cosine
# similarities with spam SMS messages and vice versa.
# Use the lsa package's cosine function for our calculations.
train.similarities <- cosine(t(as.matrix(train.svd[, -c(1, ncol(train.svd))])))
# Next up - take each SMS text message and find what the mean cosine
# similarity is for each SMS text mean with each of the spam SMS messages.
# Per our hypothesis, ham SMS text messages should have relatively low
# cosine similarities with spam messages and vice versa!
spam.indexes <- which(train$Label == "spam")
train.svd$SpamSimilarity <- rep(0.0, nrow(train.svd))
for(i in 1:nrow(train.svd)) {
train.svd$SpamSimilarity[i] <- mean(train.similarities[i, spam.indexes])
# As always, let's visualize our results using the mighty ggplot2
ggplot(train.svd, aes(x = SpamSimilarity, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
labs(y = "Message Count",
x = "Mean Spam Message Cosine Similarity",
title = "Distribution of Ham vs. Spam Using Spam Cosine Similarity")
# Per our analysis of mighty random forest results, we are interested in
# in features that can raise model performance with respect to sensitivity.
# Perform another CV process using the new spam cosine similarity feature.
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Re-run the training process with the additional feature.
# set.seed(932847)
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7,
# importance = TRUE)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load results from disk.
# Check the results.
# Drill-down on the results.
# How important was this feature?
# We've built what appears to be an effective predictive model. Time to verify
# using the test holdout data we set aside at the beginning of the project.
# First stage of this verification is running the test data through our pre-
# processing pipeline of:
# 1 - Tokenization
# 2 - Lower casing
# 3 - Stopword removal
# 4 - Stemming
# 5 - Adding bigrams
# 6 - Transform to dfm
# 7 - Ensure test dfm has same features as train dfm
# Tokenization.
test.tokens <- tokens(test$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Lower case the tokens.
test.tokens <- tokens_tolower(test.tokens)
# Stopword removal.
test.tokens <- tokens_select(test.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Stemming.
test.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(test.tokens, language = "english")
# Add bigrams.
test.tokens <- tokens_ngrams(test.tokens, n = 1:2)
# Convert n-grams to quanteda document-term frequency matrix.
test.tokens.dfm <- dfm(test.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Explore the train and test quanteda dfm objects.
# Ensure the test dfm has the same n-grams as the training dfm.
# NOTE - In production we should expect that new text messages will
# contain n-grams that did not exist in the original training
# data. As such, we need to strip those n-grams out.
test.tokens.dfm <- dfm_select(test.tokens.dfm, pattern = train.tokens.dfm,
selection = "keep")
test.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(test.tokens.dfm)
# With the raw test features in place next up is the projecting the term
# counts for the unigrams into the same TF-IDF vector space as our training
# data. The high level process is as follows:
# 1 - Normalize each document (i.e, each row)
# 2 - Perform IDF multiplication using training IDF values
# Normalize all documents via TF.
test.tokens.df <- apply(test.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
test.tokens.tfidf <- apply(test.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(test.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
test.tokens.tfidf <- t(test.tokens.tfidf)
# Fix incomplete cases
test.tokens.tfidf[] <- 0.0
# With the test data projected into the TF-IDF vector space of the training
# data we can now to the final projection into the training LSA semantic
# space (i.e. the SVD matrix factorization).
test.svd.raw <- t(sigma.inverse * u.transpose %*% t(test.tokens.tfidf))
# Lastly, we can now build the test data frame to feed into our trained
# machine learning model for predictions. First up, add Label and TextLength.
test.svd <- data.frame(Label = test$Label, test.svd.raw,
TextLength = test$TextLength)
# Next step, calculate SpamSimilarity for all the test documents. First up,
# create a spam similarity matrix.
test.similarities <- rbind(test.svd.raw, train.irlba$v[spam.indexes,])
test.similarities <- cosine(t(test.similarities))
# NOTE - The following code was updated post-video recoding due to a bug.
test.svd$SpamSimilarity <- rep(0.0, nrow(test.svd))
spam.cols <- (nrow(test.svd) + 1):ncol(test.similarities)
for(i in 1:nrow(test.svd)) {
# The following line has the bug fix.
test.svd$SpamSimilarity[i] <- mean(test.similarities[i, spam.cols])
# Some SMS text messages become empty as a result of stopword and special
# character removal. This results in spam similarity measures of 0. Correct.
# This code as added post-video as part of the bug fix.
test.svd$SpamSimilarity[!is.finite(test.svd$SpamSimilarity)] <- 0
# Now we can make predictions on the test data set using our trained mighty
# random forest.
preds <- predict(, test.svd)
# Drill-in on results
confusionMatrix(preds, test.svd$Label)
# The definition of overfitting is doing far better on the training data as
# evidenced by CV than doing on a hold-out dataset (i.e., our test dataset).
# One potential explantion of this overfitting is the use of the spam similarity
# feature. The hypothesis here is that spam features (i.e., text content) varies
# highly, espeically over time. As such, our average spam cosine similarity
# is likely to overfit to the training data. To combat this, let's rebuild a
# mighty random forest without the spam similarity feature.
train.svd$SpamSimilarity <- NULL
test.svd$SpamSimilarity <- NULL
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Re-run the training process with the additional feature.
# set.seed(254812)
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7,
# importance = TRUE)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load results from disk.
# Make predictions and drill-in on the results
preds <- predict(, test.svd)
confusionMatrix(preds, test.svd$Label)
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 2 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 3 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 4 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Per best practices, we will leverage cross validation (CV) as
# the basis of our modeling process. Using CV we can create
# estimates of how well our model will do in Production on new,
# unseen data. CV is powerful, but the downside is that it
# requires more processing and therefore more time.
# If you are not familiar with CV, consult the following
# Wikipedia article:
# Setup a the feature data frame with labels.
train.tokens.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.dfm))
# Often, tokenization requires some additional pre-processing
names(train.tokens.df)[c(146, 148, 235, 238)]
# Cleanup column names.
names(train.tokens.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.df))
# Use caret to create stratified folds for 10-fold cross validation repeated
# 3 times (i.e., create 30 random stratified samples)
cv.folds <- createMultiFolds(train$Label, k = 10, times = 3)
cv.cntrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,
repeats = 3, index = cv.folds)
# Our data frame is non-trivial in size. As such, CV runs will take
# quite a long time to run. To cut down on total execution time, use
# the doSNOW package to allow for multi-core training in parallel.
# WARNING - The following code is configured to run on a workstation-
# or server-class machine (i.e., 12 logical cores). Alter
# code to suit your HW environment.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was approximately 4 minutes.
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 5 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Per best practices, we will leverage cross validation (CV) as
# the basis of our modeling process. Using CV we can create
# estimates of how well our model will do in Production on new,
# unseen data. CV is powerful, but the downside is that it
# requires more processing and therefore more time.
# If you are not familiar with CV, consult the following
# Wikipedia article:
# Setup a the feature data frame with labels.
train.tokens.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.dfm))
# Often, tokenization requires some additional pre-processing
names(train.tokens.df)[c(146, 148, 235, 238)]
# Cleanup column names.
names(train.tokens.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.df))
# Use caret to create stratified folds for 10-fold cross validation repeated
# 3 times (i.e., create 30 random stratified samples)
cv.folds <- createMultiFolds(train$Label, k = 10, times = 3)
cv.cntrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,
repeats = 3, index = cv.folds)
# Our data frame is non-trivial in size. As such, CV runs will take
# quite a long time to run. To cut down on total execution time, use
# the doSNOW package to allow for multi-core training in parallel.
# WARNING - The following code is configured to run on a workstation-
# or server-class machine (i.e., 12 logical cores). Alter
# code to suit your HW environment.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was approximately 4 minutes.
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# The use of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is a
# powerful technique for enhancing the information/signal contained
# within our document-frequency matrix. Specifically, the mathematics
# behind TF-IDF accomplish the following goals:
# 1 - The TF calculation accounts for the fact that longer
# documents will have higher individual term counts. Applying
# TF normalizes all documents in the corpus to be length
# independent.
# 2 - The IDF calculation accounts for the frequency of term
# appearance in all documents in the corpus. The intuition
# being that a term that appears in every document has no
# predictive power.
# 3 - The multiplication of TF by IDF for each cell in the matrix
# allows for weighting of #1 and #2 for each cell in the matrix.
# Our function for calculating relative term frequency (TF)
term.frequency <- function(row) {
row / sum(row)
# Our function for calculating inverse document frequency (IDF)
inverse.doc.freq <- function(col) {
corpus.size <- length(col)
doc.count <- length(which(col > 0))
log10(corpus.size / doc.count)
# Our function for calculating TF-IDF.
tf.idf <- function(x, idf) {
x * idf
# First step, normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
View(train.tokens.df[1:20, 1:100])
# Second step, calculate the IDF vector that we will use - both
# for training data and for test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Check for incopmlete cases.
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Fix incomplete cases
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame using the same process as before.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 6 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Per best practices, we will leverage cross validation (CV) as
# the basis of our modeling process. Using CV we can create
# estimates of how well our model will do in Production on new,
# unseen data. CV is powerful, but the downside is that it
# requires more processing and therefore more time.
# If you are not familiar with CV, consult the following
# Wikipedia article:
# Setup a the feature data frame with labels.
train.tokens.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.dfm))
# Often, tokenization requires some additional pre-processing
names(train.tokens.df)[c(146, 148, 235, 238)]
# Cleanup column names.
names(train.tokens.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.df))
# Use caret to create stratified folds for 10-fold cross validation repeated
# 3 times (i.e., create 30 random stratified samples)
cv.folds <- createMultiFolds(train$Label, k = 10, times = 3)
cv.cntrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,
repeats = 3, index = cv.folds)
# Our data frame is non-trivial in size. As such, CV runs will take
# quite a long time to run. To cut down on total execution time, use
# the doSNOW package to allow for multi-core training in parallel.
# WARNING - The following code is configured to run on a workstation-
# or server-class machine (i.e., 12 logical cores). Alter
# code to suit your HW environment.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was approximately 4 minutes.
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# The use of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is a
# powerful technique for enhancing the information/signal contained
# within our document-frequency matrix. Specifically, the mathematics
# behind TF-IDF accomplish the following goals:
# 1 - The TF calculation accounts for the fact that longer
# documents will have higher individual term counts. Applying
# TF normalizes all documents in the corpus to be length
# independent.
# 2 - The IDF calculation accounts for the frequency of term
# appearance in all documents in the corpus. The intuition
# being that a term that appears in every document has no
# predictive power.
# 3 - The multiplication of TF by IDF for each cell in the matrix
# allows for weighting of #1 and #2 for each cell in the matrix.
# Our function for calculating relative term frequency (TF)
term.frequency <- function(row) {
row / sum(row)
# Our function for calculating inverse document frequency (IDF)
inverse.doc.freq <- function(col) {
corpus.size <- length(col)
doc.count <- length(which(col > 0))
log10(corpus.size / doc.count)
# Our function for calculating TF-IDF.
tf.idf <- function(x, idf) {
x * idf
# First step, normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
View(train.tokens.df[1:20, 1:100])
# Second step, calculate the IDF vector that we will use - both
# for training data and for test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Check for incopmlete cases.
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Fix incomplete cases
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame using the same process as before.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# N-grams allow us to augment our document-term frequency matrices with
# word ordering. This often leads to increased performance (e.g., accuracy)
# for machine learning models trained with more than just unigrams (i.e.,
# single terms). Let's add bigrams to our training data and the TF-IDF
# transform the expanded featre matrix to see if accuracy improves.
# Add bigrams to our feature matrix.
train.tokens <- tokens_ngrams(train.tokens, n = 1:2)
# Transform to dfm and then a matrix.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
# Normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
# Calculate the IDF vector that we will use for training and test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf,
idf = train.tokens.idf)
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
# Fix incomplete cases
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Clean up unused objects in memory.
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 7 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Per best practices, we will leverage cross validation (CV) as
# the basis of our modeling process. Using CV we can create
# estimates of how well our model will do in Production on new,
# unseen data. CV is powerful, but the downside is that it
# requires more processing and therefore more time.
# If you are not familiar with CV, consult the following
# Wikipedia article:
# Setup a the feature data frame with labels.
train.tokens.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.dfm))
# Often, tokenization requires some additional pre-processing
names(train.tokens.df)[c(146, 148, 235, 238)]
# Cleanup column names.
names(train.tokens.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.df))
# Use caret to create stratified folds for 10-fold cross validation repeated
# 3 times (i.e., create 30 random stratified samples)
cv.folds <- createMultiFolds(train$Label, k = 10, times = 3)
cv.cntrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,
repeats = 3, index = cv.folds)
# Our data frame is non-trivial in size. As such, CV runs will take
# quite a long time to run. To cut down on total execution time, use
# the doSNOW package to allow for multi-core training in parallel.
# WARNING - The following code is configured to run on a workstation-
# or server-class machine (i.e., 12 logical cores). Alter
# code to suit your HW environment.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was approximately 4 minutes.
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# The use of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is a
# powerful technique for enhancing the information/signal contained
# within our document-frequency matrix. Specifically, the mathematics
# behind TF-IDF accomplish the following goals:
# 1 - The TF calculation accounts for the fact that longer
# documents will have higher individual term counts. Applying
# TF normalizes all documents in the corpus to be length
# independent.
# 2 - The IDF calculation accounts for the frequency of term
# appearance in all documents in the corpus. The intuition
# being that a term that appears in every document has no
# predictive power.
# 3 - The multiplication of TF by IDF for each cell in the matrix
# allows for weighting of #1 and #2 for each cell in the matrix.
# Our function for calculating relative term frequency (TF)
term.frequency <- function(row) {
row / sum(row)
# Our function for calculating inverse document frequency (IDF)
inverse.doc.freq <- function(col) {
corpus.size <- length(col)
doc.count <- length(which(col > 0))
log10(corpus.size / doc.count)
# Our function for calculating TF-IDF.
tf.idf <- function(x, idf) {
x * idf
# First step, normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
View(train.tokens.df[1:20, 1:100])
# Second step, calculate the IDF vector that we will use - both
# for training data and for test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Check for incopmlete cases.
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Fix incomplete cases
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame using the same process as before.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# N-grams allow us to augment our document-term frequency matrices with
# word ordering. This often leads to increased performance (e.g., accuracy)
# for machine learning models trained with more than just unigrams (i.e.,
# single terms). Let's add bigrams to our training data and the TF-IDF
# transform the expanded featre matrix to see if accuracy improves.
# Add bigrams to our feature matrix.
train.tokens <- tokens_ngrams(train.tokens, n = 1:2)
# Transform to dfm and then a matrix.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
# Normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
# Calculate the IDF vector that we will use for training and test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf,
idf = train.tokens.idf)
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
# Fix incomplete cases
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Clean up unused objects in memory.
# NOTE - The following code requires the use of command-line R to execute
# due to the large number of features (i.e., columns) in the matrix.
# Please consult the following link for more details if you wish
# to run the code yourself:
# Also note that running the following code required approximately
# 38GB of RAM and more than 4.5 hours to execute on a 10-core
# workstation!
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Leverage single decision trees to evaluate if adding bigrams improves the
# the effectiveness of the model.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Check out our results.
# The results of the above processing show a slight decline in rpart
# effectiveness with a 10-fold CV repeated 3 times accuracy of 0.9457.
# As we will discuss later, while the addition of bigrams appears to
# negatively impact a single decision tree, it helps with the mighty
# random forest!
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 8 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Per best practices, we will leverage cross validation (CV) as
# the basis of our modeling process. Using CV we can create
# estimates of how well our model will do in Production on new,
# unseen data. CV is powerful, but the downside is that it
# requires more processing and therefore more time.
# If you are not familiar with CV, consult the following
# Wikipedia article:
# Setup a the feature data frame with labels.
train.tokens.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.dfm))
# Often, tokenization requires some additional pre-processing
names(train.tokens.df)[c(146, 148, 235, 238)]
# Cleanup column names.
names(train.tokens.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.df))
# Use caret to create stratified folds for 10-fold cross validation repeated
# 3 times (i.e., create 30 random stratified samples)
cv.folds <- createMultiFolds(train$Label, k = 10, times = 3)
cv.cntrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,
repeats = 3, index = cv.folds)
# Our data frame is non-trivial in size. As such, CV runs will take
# quite a long time to run. To cut down on total execution time, use
# the doSNOW package to allow for multi-core training in parallel.
# WARNING - The following code is configured to run on a workstation-
# or server-class machine (i.e., 12 logical cores). Alter
# code to suit your HW environment.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was approximately 4 minutes.
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# The use of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is a
# powerful technique for enhancing the information/signal contained
# within our document-frequency matrix. Specifically, the mathematics
# behind TF-IDF accomplish the following goals:
# 1 - The TF calculation accounts for the fact that longer
# documents will have higher individual term counts. Applying
# TF normalizes all documents in the corpus to be length
# independent.
# 2 - The IDF calculation accounts for the frequency of term
# appearance in all documents in the corpus. The intuition
# being that a term that appears in every document has no
# predictive power.
# 3 - The multiplication of TF by IDF for each cell in the matrix
# allows for weighting of #1 and #2 for each cell in the matrix.
# Our function for calculating relative term frequency (TF)
term.frequency <- function(row) {
row / sum(row)
# Our function for calculating inverse document frequency (IDF)
inverse.doc.freq <- function(col) {
corpus.size <- length(col)
doc.count <- length(which(col > 0))
log10(corpus.size / doc.count)
# Our function for calculating TF-IDF.
tf.idf <- function(x, idf) {
x * idf
# First step, normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
View(train.tokens.df[1:20, 1:100])
# Second step, calculate the IDF vector that we will use - both
# for training data and for test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Check for incopmlete cases.
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Fix incomplete cases
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame using the same process as before.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# N-grams allow us to augment our document-term frequency matrices with
# word ordering. This often leads to increased performance (e.g., accuracy)
# for machine learning models trained with more than just unigrams (i.e.,
# single terms). Let's add bigrams to our training data and the TF-IDF
# transform the expanded featre matrix to see if accuracy improves.
# Add bigrams to our feature matrix.
train.tokens <- tokens_ngrams(train.tokens, n = 1:2)
# Transform to dfm and then a matrix.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
# Normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
# Calculate the IDF vector that we will use for training and test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf,
idf = train.tokens.idf)
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
# Fix incomplete cases
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Clean up unused objects in memory.
# NOTE - The following code requires the use of command-line R to execute
# due to the large number of features (i.e., columns) in the matrix.
# Please consult the following link for more details if you wish
# to run the code yourself:
# Also note that running the following code required approximately
# 38GB of RAM and more than 4.5 hours to execute on a 10-core
# workstation!
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Leverage single decision trees to evaluate if adding bigrams improves the
# the effectiveness of the model.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Check out our results.
# The results of the above processing show a slight decline in rpart
# effectiveness with a 10-fold CV repeated 3 times accuracy of 0.9457.
# As we will discuss later, while the addition of bigrams appears to
# negatively impact a single decision tree, it helps with the mighty
# random forest!
# We'll leverage the irlba package for our singular value
# decomposition (SVD). The irlba package allows us to specify
# the number of the most important singular vectors we wish to
# calculate and retain for features.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Perform SVD. Specifically, reduce dimensionality down to 300 columns
# for our latent semantic analysis (LSA).
train.irlba <- irlba(t(train.tokens.tfidf), nv = 300, maxit = 600)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Take a look at the new feature data up close.
# As with TF-IDF, we will need to project new data (e.g., the test data)
# into the SVD semantic space. The following code illustrates how to do
# this using a row of the training data that has already been transformed
# by TF-IDF, per the mathematics illustrated in the slides.
sigma.inverse <- 1 / train.irlba$d
u.transpose <- t(train.irlba$u)
document <- train.tokens.tfidf[1,]
document.hat <- sigma.inverse * u.transpose %*% document
# Look at the first 10 components of projected document and the corresponding
# row in our document semantic space (i.e., the V matrix)
train.irlba$v[1, 1:10]
# Create new feature data frame using our document semantic space of 300
# features (i.e., the V matrix from our SVD).
train.svd <- data.frame(Label = train$Label, train.irlba$v)
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# This will be the last run using single decision trees. With a much smaller
# feature matrix we can now use more powerful methods like the mighty Random
# Forest from now on! <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# NOTE - The following code takes a long time to run. Here's the math.
# We are performing 10-fold CV repeated 3 times. That means we
# need to build 30 models. We are also asking caret to try 7
# different values of the mtry parameter. Next up by default
# a mighty random forest leverages 500 trees. Lastly, caret will
# build 1 final model at the end of the process with the best
# mtry value over all the training data. Here's the number of
# tree we're building:
# (10 * 3 * 7 * 500) + 500 = 105,500 trees!
# On a workstation using 10 cores the following code took 28 minutes
# to execute.
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# We have reduced the dimensionality of our data using SVD. Also, the
# application of SVD allows us to use LSA to simultaneously increase the
# information density of each feature. To prove this out, leverage a
# mighty Random Forest with the default of 500 trees. We'll also ask
# caret to try 7 different values of mtry to find the mtry value that
# gives the best result!
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load processing results from disk!
# Check out our results.
# Let's drill-down on the results.
# Copyright 2017 Data Science Dojo
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This R source code file corresponds to video 9 of the Data Science
# Dojo YouTube series "Introduction to Text Analytics with R" located
# at the following URL:
# Install all required packages.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "e1071", "caret", "quanteda",
"irlba", "randomForest"))
# Load up the .CSV data and explore in RStudio.
spam.raw <- read.csv("spam.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-16")
# Clean up the data frame and view our handiwork.
spam.raw <- spam.raw[, 1:2]
names(spam.raw) <- c("Label", "Text")
# Check data to see if there are missing values.
# Convert our class label into a factor.
spam.raw$Label <- as.factor(spam.raw$Label)
# The first step, as always, is to explore the data.
# First, let's take a look at distibution of the class labels (i.e., ham vs. spam).
# Next up, let's get a feel for the distribution of text lengths of the SMS
# messages by adding a new feature for the length of each message.
spam.raw$TextLength <- nchar(spam.raw$Text)
# Visualize distribution with ggplot2, adding segmentation for ham/spam.
ggplot(spam.raw, aes(x = TextLength, fill = Label)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 5) +
labs(y = "Text Count", x = "Length of Text",
title = "Distribution of Text Lengths with Class Labels")
# At a minimum we need to split our data into a training set and a
# test set. In a true project we would want to use a three-way split
# of training, validation, and test.
# As we know that our data has non-trivial class imbalance, we'll
# use the mighty caret package to create a randomg train/test split
# that ensures the correct ham/spam class label proportions (i.e.,
# we'll use caret for a random stratified split).
help(package = "caret")
# Use caret to create a 70%/30% stratified split. Set the random
# seed for reproducibility.
indexes <- createDataPartition(spam.raw$Label, times = 1,
p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
train <- spam.raw[indexes,]
test <- spam.raw[-indexes,]
# Verify proportions.
# Text analytics requires a lot of data exploration, data pre-processing
# and data wrangling. Let's explore some examples.
# HTML-escaped ampersand character.
# HTML-escaped '<' and '>' characters. Also note that Mallika Sherawat
# is an actual person, but we will ignore the implications of this for
# this introductory tutorial.
# A URL.
# There are many packages in the R ecosystem for performing text
# analytics. One of the newer packages in quanteda. The quanteda
# package has many useful functions for quickly and easily working
# with text data.
help(package = "quanteda")
# Tokenize SMS text messages.
train.tokens <- tokens(train$Text, what = "word",
remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE, remove_hyphens = TRUE)
# Take a look at a specific SMS message and see how it transforms.
# Lower case the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_tolower(train.tokens)
# Use quanteda's built-in stopword list for English.
# NOTE - You should always inspect stopword lists for applicability to
# your problem/domain.
train.tokens <- tokens_select(train.tokens, stopwords(),
selection = "remove")
# Perform stemming on the tokens.
train.tokens <- tokens_wordstem(train.tokens, language = "english")
# Create our first bag-of-words model.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
# Transform to a matrix and inspect.
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
View(train.tokens.matrix[1:20, 1:100])
# Investigate the effects of stemming.
# Per best practices, we will leverage cross validation (CV) as
# the basis of our modeling process. Using CV we can create
# estimates of how well our model will do in Production on new,
# unseen data. CV is powerful, but the downside is that it
# requires more processing and therefore more time.
# If you are not familiar with CV, consult the following
# Wikipedia article:
# Setup a the feature data frame with labels.
train.tokens.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.dfm))
# Often, tokenization requires some additional pre-processing
names(train.tokens.df)[c(146, 148, 235, 238)]
# Cleanup column names.
names(train.tokens.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.df))
# Use caret to create stratified folds for 10-fold cross validation repeated
# 3 times (i.e., create 30 random stratified samples)
cv.folds <- createMultiFolds(train$Label, k = 10, times = 3)
cv.cntrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10,
repeats = 3, index = cv.folds)
# Our data frame is non-trivial in size. As such, CV runs will take
# quite a long time to run. To cut down on total execution time, use
# the doSNOW package to allow for multi-core training in parallel.
# WARNING - The following code is configured to run on a workstation-
# or server-class machine (i.e., 12 logical cores). Alter
# code to suit your HW environment.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was approximately 4 minutes.
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# The use of Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is a
# powerful technique for enhancing the information/signal contained
# within our document-frequency matrix. Specifically, the mathematics
# behind TF-IDF accomplish the following goals:
# 1 - The TF calculation accounts for the fact that longer
# documents will have higher individual term counts. Applying
# TF normalizes all documents in the corpus to be length
# independent.
# 2 - The IDF calculation accounts for the frequency of term
# appearance in all documents in the corpus. The intuition
# being that a term that appears in every document has no
# predictive power.
# 3 - The multiplication of TF by IDF for each cell in the matrix
# allows for weighting of #1 and #2 for each cell in the matrix.
# Our function for calculating relative term frequency (TF)
term.frequency <- function(row) {
row / sum(row)
# Our function for calculating inverse document frequency (IDF)
inverse.doc.freq <- function(col) {
corpus.size <- length(col)
doc.count <- length(which(col > 0))
log10(corpus.size / doc.count)
# Our function for calculating TF-IDF.
tf.idf <- function(x, idf) {
x * idf
# First step, normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
View(train.tokens.df[1:20, 1:100])
# Second step, calculate the IDF vector that we will use - both
# for training data and for test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Lastly, calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus.
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf, idf = train.tokens.idf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
View(train.tokens.tfidf[1:25, 1:25])
# Check for incopmlete cases.
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Fix incomplete cases
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame using the same process as before.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK")
# As our data is non-trivial in size at this point, use a single decision
# tree alogrithm as our first model. We will graduate to using more
# powerful algorithms later when we perform feature extraction to shrink
# the size of our data. <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# N-grams allow us to augment our document-term frequency matrices with
# word ordering. This often leads to increased performance (e.g., accuracy)
# for machine learning models trained with more than just unigrams (i.e.,
# single terms). Let's add bigrams to our training data and the TF-IDF
# transform the expanded featre matrix to see if accuracy improves.
# Add bigrams to our feature matrix.
train.tokens <- tokens_ngrams(train.tokens, n = 1:2)
# Transform to dfm and then a matrix.
train.tokens.dfm <- dfm(train.tokens, tolower = FALSE)
train.tokens.matrix <- as.matrix(train.tokens.dfm)
# Normalize all documents via TF.
train.tokens.df <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 1, term.frequency)
# Calculate the IDF vector that we will use for training and test data!
train.tokens.idf <- apply(train.tokens.matrix, 2, inverse.doc.freq)
# Calculate TF-IDF for our training corpus
train.tokens.tfidf <- apply(train.tokens.df, 2, tf.idf,
idf = train.tokens.idf)
# Transpose the matrix
train.tokens.tfidf <- t(train.tokens.tfidf)
# Fix incomplete cases
incomplete.cases <- which(!complete.cases(train.tokens.tfidf))
train.tokens.tfidf[incomplete.cases,] <- rep(0.0, ncol(train.tokens.tfidf))
# Make a clean data frame.
train.tokens.tfidf.df <- cbind(Label = train$Label, data.frame(train.tokens.tfidf))
names(train.tokens.tfidf.df) <- make.names(names(train.tokens.tfidf.df))
# Clean up unused objects in memory.
# NOTE - The following code requires the use of command-line R to execute
# due to the large number of features (i.e., columns) in the matrix.
# Please consult the following link for more details if you wish
# to run the code yourself:
# Also note that running the following code required approximately
# 38GB of RAM and more than 4.5 hours to execute on a 10-core
# workstation!
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Leverage single decision trees to evaluate if adding bigrams improves the
# the effectiveness of the model.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.tokens.tfidf.df, method = "rpart",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Check out our results.
# The results of the above processing show a slight decline in rpart
# effectiveness with a 10-fold CV repeated 3 times accuracy of 0.9457.
# As we will discuss later, while the addition of bigrams appears to
# negatively impact a single decision tree, it helps with the mighty
# random forest!
# We'll leverage the irlba package for our singular value
# decomposition (SVD). The irlba package allows us to specify
# the number of the most important singular vectors we wish to
# calculate and retain for features.
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Perform SVD. Specifically, reduce dimensionality down to 300 columns
# for our latent semantic analysis (LSA).
train.irlba <- irlba(t(train.tokens.tfidf), nv = 300, maxit = 600)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Take a look at the new feature data up close.
# As with TF-IDF, we will need to project new data (e.g., the test data)
# into the SVD semantic space. The following code illustrates how to do
# this using a row of the training data that has already been transformed
# by TF-IDF, per the mathematics illustrated in the slides.
sigma.inverse <- 1 / train.irlba$d
u.transpose <- t(train.irlba$u)
document <- train.tokens.tfidf[1,]
document.hat <- sigma.inverse * u.transpose %*% document
# Look at the first 10 components of projected document and the corresponding
# row in our document semantic space (i.e., the V matrix)
train.irlba$v[1, 1:10]
# Create new feature data frame using our document semantic space of 300
# features (i.e., the V matrix from our SVD).
train.svd <- data.frame(Label = train$Label, train.irlba$v)
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# Time the code execution
start.time <- Sys.time()
# This will be the last run using single decision trees. With a much smaller
# feature matrix we can now use more powerful methods like the mighty Random
# Forest from now on! <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rpart",
trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# Total time of execution on workstation was
total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# Check out our results.
# NOTE - The following code takes a long time to run. Here's the math.
# We are performing 10-fold CV repeated 3 times. That means we
# need to build 30 models. We are also asking caret to try 7
# different values of the mtry parameter. Next up by default
# a mighty random forest leverages 500 trees. Lastly, caret will
# build 1 final model at the end of the process with the best
# mtry value over all the training data. Here's the number of
# tree we're building:
# (10 * 3 * 7 * 500) + 500 = 105,500 trees!
# On a workstation using 10 cores the following code took 28 minutes
# to execute.
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# We have reduced the dimensionality of our data using SVD. Also, the
# application of SVD allows us to use LSA to simultaneously increase the
# information density of each feature. To prove this out, leverage a
# mighty Random Forest with the default of 500 trees. We'll also ask
# caret to try 7 different values of mtry to find the mtry value that
# gives the best result!
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load processing results from disk!
# Check out our results.
# Let's drill-down on the results.
# OK, now let's add in the feature we engineered previously for SMS
# text length to see if it improves things.
train.svd$TextLength <- train$TextLength
# Create a cluster to work on 10 logical cores.
# cl <- makeCluster(10, type = "SOCK")
# registerDoSNOW(cl)
# Time the code execution
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# Re-run the training process with the additional feature.
# <- train(Label ~ ., data = train.svd, method = "rf",
# trControl = cv.cntrl, tuneLength = 7,
# importance = TRUE)
# Processing is done, stop cluster.
# stopCluster(cl)
# Total time of execution on workstation was
# total.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
# total.time
# Load results from disk.
# Check the results.
# Drill-down on the results.
# How important was the new feature?
# IntroToTextAnalyticsWithR
Public repo for the Data Science Dojo YouTube tutorial series [Introduction to Text Analytics with R]( This tutorial series leverages the [Kaggle SMS Spam Collection Dataset]( originally published by [UCI ML Repository](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 1](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 2](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 3](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 4](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 5](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 6](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 7](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 8](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 9](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 10](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 11](
- [Introduction to Text Analytics with R - Part 12](
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