Commit 5876ce4a by Rebecca Merrett


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# Data Sets to Uplift your Skills
+ Data Science Dojo has added 30 data sets to this repository.
+ Data Science Dojo has added more than 30 data sets to this repository.
+ The repository carries a diverse range of themes, difficulty levels, sizes and attributes.
+ They offer hands-on practice to boost their skills in exploratory data analysis, data visualization, data wrangling and machine learning.
+ The data sets below have been sorted with increasing level of difficulty for convenience (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).
......@@ -108,8 +108,9 @@ Regression/Clustering Models | Electricity
[**Predict the number of shares on social networks**](Online News Popularity)<br/>
Regression/Classification Models | Business/Web
[**Analyze the text or sentiment of products on Amazon, or recommend products**](Amazon Product Reviews)<br/>
Text Analytics/Sentiment Analysis/Recommender Systems
### Queries:
**Can I use these datasets for my project?**<br/>
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