# install.packages("rvest")

# ingress
# scrape date, now
now <- Sys.time()

# url to scrape, then download page
url <- "https://www.newegg.com/Video-Cards-Video-Devices/Category/ID-38"
webpage <- read_html(url)

# web scraping

# feature: card name
card_name <- webpage %>% html_nodes(".item-title") %>% html_text()

# feature: current price
cur_price <- webpage %>% html_nodes(".price-current strong") %>% html_text()

# feature: original price
org_price <- webpage %>% html_nodes(".price-was") %>% html_text(trim=TRUE)

# substring search for price, using regular expression.
needle <- "\\d{1,}\\.\\d{1,}"
indexes <- str_locate(string = org_price, pattern = needle)
indexes <- as.data.frame(indexes)
org_price <- str_sub(string=org_price, start = indexes$start, end = indexes$end)

# feature: rating
# problem: not every graphics card has a rating
# solution: build a table of product id and ratings
#           then join with the main table by the same product id

# product id
rate.pid <- webpage %>% html_nodes(".item-rating") %>% html_attr("href")
# format: <url><"Item='><pid><'$'><stuff>
rate.pid.split <- str_split_fixed(rate.pid, pattern = "Item=", n=2)
    # result:   [1]     [2]
    #           <url>   <pid><'$'><stuff>
rate.pid.split <- str_split_fixed(rate.pid.split[,2], pattern="&", n=2)
    # result:   [1]     [2]
    #           <pid>   <stuff>
rate.pid <- rate.pid.split[,1]

# rating
rating <- webpage %>% html_nodes(".item-rating") %>% html_attr("title")
    # result: <string><+\s><rating>
rating <- str_split_fixed(string = rating, pattern="\\+\\s", n = 2)[,2]
    # result:   [1]         [2]
    #           <string\s>  <rating>
rating_df <- as.data.frame(cbind(rate.pid, rating))

# combine

# data binding
graphics_cards <- as.data.frame(card_name)
graphics_cards$scrape_date <- now
graphics_cards$cur_price <- current_price
graphics_cards$org_price <- org_price
graphics_cards$rating <- rating

# feature: sales price
# logic: sales price - current price = sales discount
# pseudo code:  replace NA of org price, with the current price
#               query org missing prices <- query cur prices of org missing prices
na.org_price <- is.na(graphics_cards$org_price)
graphics_cards[na.org_price,"org_price"] <- graphics_cards[na.org_price,"cur_price"]

# cast into numeric
graphics_cards$org_price <- as.numeric(graphics_cards$org_price)
graphics_cards$cur_price <- as.numeric(graphics_cards$cur_price)

# sales price - current price = sales discount
graphics_cards$sales_amt <- graphics_cards$org_price - graphics_cards$cur_price

# feature: discount %
# logic: divide sales amount by original price
graphics_cards$discount <- graphics_cards$sales_amt / graphics_cards$org_price

# feature: on_sale
# logic:    if discount price as a percentage of the original price is higher than
#           a certain percentage threshold, mark as being on sale
# key:  0 = not on sale
#       1 = on sale
threshold <- 0.03
graphics_cards$on_sale <- 0
graphics_cards[graphics_cards$discount > threshold, "on_sale"] <- 1